As jmke said the other day "the moderation tool works great and so does reporting use it"
So i did but nothing seems to change.
Have a look at this and at the attachment: ,these results are in the wrong category,i reported them but still there.
He had a 3Dmark03 result in 82845G category which i reported is well and moved by his team captain in to the correct category,but not the Aquamark and 3Dmark06 result.And a 3Dmark05 result which i don't know where is gone.
Also my AquaMark results been blocked(see attachement) and as rb explain to me and i accepted that happen due to lack of verification,as he said "For aquamark results submitted after 8 oct 2007 you need to include a gpu-z/rivatuner screenshot"
If this rule applies to me should apply to them is well:
Nothing has change.
I know there is a lot of work for you and you do great job,just want to make sure that you have notice it.
Thanks a lot.