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Everything posted by waltstoy

  1. help i cant find background never a clickable link,cannot find, https://i.postimg.cc/4dzwsbym/hwbot-tc21-rc1.jpg
  2. yikes lost my motherboard whilst overclocking during the hurricain here in Wilmington NC,need help from fellow novices of the united states to stay in top 20 ddr4
  3. waltstoy

    i9 7920x

    how much
  4. I have the same request
  5. help moved from rookie to novice in aorus competition,all submissions were made as a rookie i did not change to being a novice.so now my top rookie in competition is gone, is that fair?

  6. how does prizes work? is it for total or does each league have its own prizes?
  7. how does stage 2 work I don't have onboard graphics
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