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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. I have an Problem but think its not the Mainboard. All CPUs work fine with this board but when i clock my 960T, sometimes short after OS entry or after a while benching my Monitor turns off mouse loose Power and on the Mainboard i get code 88. The same Code appearce when i forgot to plug the 12V to the Mainboard. What is it can someone please help me with that issue? BIOS is up to date:) It only happens after passing 4800MHz but only with 960T. Had UD3 before and there no issue??? I dont unterstand that
  2. Lol DJ Not yet still no christmas:) @ Schmuckley stop your shit talking! There is no cheat;)
  3. There is more in this ram but i dont want to kill it 1,8V is enough for Air:)
  4. Steve around 400 VS is normal for Areca:) On SB with write back normal is 800-1000, 1000 only in an lucky run. But only with Vista VS is good with onboard raid, win7 sucks there;)
  5. Mh, thin the update, Hwbot gets very slow here:( And When i want to go to the Benchmarks on Hwbot Main page, nothing happened:(
  6. So now there are 4 Guyz that can confirm this VS isnt possible You want more than 50% needs confirme, than this is an case where it is needed. 1000 VS vs. his 1500VS;)
  7. Isnt it enough, that no one can score this? He beat guyz that have 500MHz more CPU Power... SteveRo has 990FX at home, im too.And 1,5G VS is no problem onboard, but only on more than 1 core. Normal range is between 800 and 1G on 990FX with sempron;)
  8. There are more than 3 guyz, all say its not possible! 1,5-2G VS is possible, but not on singlecore. I wonder how much you can score with X4... 3G? And sector size change is easy to made with all Plattform, no need for raid expert!
  9. I think it was prereleased 12.8 driver... Ask SteveRo or Gluvocio, no one can do such an VS on sempron. And acards onboard are slower than SSDs, i tested a lot on 990FX, normal VS is between 800 and 1000. Explain it to Mr. Pro, lets see if he can verify your VS;)
  10. Yeah i dont think there is much in IE10, but i give it a shoot: ) Edit, lol IE10 is totally crapp... I5 661 Stock, IE9 24,5 pages I5 661 Stock, IE10 14,5 pages...
  11. So this VS is too high! What have you used? Ramcaching? Sector size change? explain, 1,5G isnt possible with sempron onboard!
  12. So we all talk about what is right and whats wrong...i found an interesting submit, wich pretty shure is outside actually rules... 1,5G VS with sempron singlecore... never possible on 2 acards at SB;) http://hwbot.org/submission/2257400_el_gappo_pcmark_2005_sempron_145_23485_marks
  13. From what i hear, win 7 is much faster. IE10 i will test today;)
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