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Everything posted by Moose83

  1. Can we please remove this bench? People still put bugged scores on Where is Problem to dissallow threat stuff i dont get it
  2. Same counts on topdog... Lets remove this bench or disable threat stuff
  3. PJ, can you please confirm 15th Juli or is it 1th Juli
  4. Overall page says EMEA starts 15. June, but when i open it it says 1th June Whats right here?
  5. Yes its still your old, we not often kill good chips and when this is my part lol
  6. Travel to Antartica No, i also dont like the 1 Guy per Country^^
  7. Please keep it fair, you know your score is not valid!
  8. Tell me more, i see some not correct things my friend
  9. Dont worry you have great skills for class A
  10. Yes it is... I dunno why differend times^^
  11. Its fine this way I only dont like the 1 Person per Country.
  12. Why only one per country If for example 2 german in Top 6 only 1 can go?
  13. If you want good storage wait Areca 1883 or buy 2nd hand 1882 ix Cache on Areca is the key
  14. Of course you can use but you will surprised how slow it is Areca for the win
  15. Is extra gpu allowed for the Kabini stage?
  16. https://www.google.de/maps/dir//49.21091,9.184785/@49.21091,9.184785,15z/data=!4m8!1m4!3m3!1s0x0:0x0!2zNDnCsDEyJzM5LjMiTiA5wrAxMScwNS4yIkU!3b1!4m2!1m0!1m0 Seems it has no number and street, have to wait for Frank
  17. GPS: 49.21091,9.184785 It start on Friday evening, i think 4pm should be good. Lol Kingsize bed Internet we try now to arrange something
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