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Everything posted by aGeoM

  1. I don't know about programming, and at some point you are right, does not make sense, but maybe... L3 is much slower than L1 and L2, and the program calculates the access time based in the 3 caches, making the score lower in L3 cases. Hopefully I also have here an 965 Phenom II, and we can test this "bug" theory. Until now what I notice is using lower MLR in conjunction with the other settings have showing an constant growing in scores. BTW what is your default MRL at NB>4000? Thx EDIT Run MaxxMEM w/Phenom II 965 @ same settings as before w/ Sempron, only Ganged was active didn't notice until I opened CPU-Z, but shouldn't be the problem: EDIT 2 Played w/ NB, now @~3700 and lowered MLR to 43, tRW-TO and tRW-WB to 5: Uploaded with ImageShack.us What's the conclusion of it?
  2. yep how far did you go... 55..52 maybe. Check my new score DDR3
  3. I didn't say that, it's important but not the major, Maximum Latency read does.
  4. Ok, you know how important it is, now you only need to know how to reduce it, at that point. I don't mind at all to explain how to do it, in a couple weeks
  5. Sure, it will be nice to see it. I will be back to DDR soon, but no much to expect, I'm already near CPU limit with the cooling I have.
  6. Thanks man, at last some one saw it.
  7. There is no super-tweak, it's all about latency and how to lower it.
  8. Same OS install as DDR3 submissions.
  9. wow,shouldn't you be in exames?... Well done.
  10. ... and does not check my new submission, in a couple minutes.
  11. Preliminary test w/ M3A79-T, BIOS Version 1203, MaxxMEM v1.82 Uploaded with ImageShack.us Thanks Calathea for BIOS hint
  12. Had test in both x64 & x86 Windows 7, similar results, I already gave memory settings to massman, and premission to share with you, it's all about cache and timings (sub ). Honor is more important than some WR for me. Nothing to hide here. Pure hard work in fidding those timings, one by one, I will get back to DDR2 and DDR, ATM I´m trying to put this M3A79-T to pass 210 HT ref @DDR 800 (Athlon II and Sempron 140), gonna flash 1203 BIOS as someone suggested, hopefully it will recognise the CPUs, or at least post and boot, to test.
  13. Nice one Placid, check sub-timings.
  14. Latency is achieved with memory timings, and yes I will try another version in another board if ASUS engenniers pull out a decend BIOS for M3A79-T at time (refuses to post @210 HT ref w/ Sempron), with this M2N32 board v.1.82 doesn't run, CPU-Z it's eating all resources and got stuck, I can't even close the process. Need to reboot. v1.78 it's fine. My DDR and DDR3 results are with v.1.82.
  15. It's not the "total" equasion, but an important part of it. Run an Sempron at same speeds as your X6 and you will see. I gonna submit my best score achieved last night with a sempron 140, almost 1300 Points @ 4080MHz clock speed, and NB @ 3400. Be well
  16. That's what I was expecting from you. Well done, next non L3 CPU, Sempron 140 maybe?
  17. Yes, it does. I can confirm, by comparing my Phenom II 955/965's with Athlon II/Sempron results.
  18. Correct, but for S939, another factor must got our attention, HT Link frequency. Doesn't afect scores as IMC's does, but have influence too. Squezze them all... Another thing I notice, doesn't matter much the number of cores in use, results are identical.
  19. Hi, your score could be higher if you use a non L3 cache CPU, like Athlon II at the same settings you used for the 965. Thanks for the tip.
  20. yes indeed does, I´m on DDR3 now, and was a good jump from IMC ~2900->3200 plus thigh timings on memory. With better cooling is possible do hit 1100 marks.
  21. http://www.maxxpi.net/pages/downloads/maxxmemsup2---preview.php I had to use v1.74 bcz 1.82 doesn't run on my M2N32-Deluxe, checket the task manager, and CPU-Z was heating all resources, and got stuck.
  22. Finaly I got the NB Frenquency working on this board, it was a little tricky at the beginning, but now I know how to do it, easely. The BIOS of my M3A79-T doesn´t alow me to set HT ref up to 210, so I had to use the old stuff.
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