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Everything posted by slamms

  1. same as who? or same BIOS as on ASUS LOL
  2. Yes, and I gave it up
  3. Thanks mate!
  4. I showed that John Lam and Mad 222 was shared results in Super Pi 32M, but hwbot crew not see facts why crew don't must believe HKEPC` words. I am ready to prove that John Lam is liar. He is deceives to vendors and thus all true overclocking community. http://hwbot.org/submission/2303028_hkepc_wprime_32m_core_i7_3770k_3sec_484ms'>http://hwbot.org/submission/2303028_hkepc_wprime_32m_core_i7_3770k_3sec_484ms This results was done on Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD3H by John Lam. I think it`s good way for report/feedback for Gigabyte. BUT! It not was Gigabyte motherboard. All Gigabyte motherboards can`t set 1206.8 Mhz for DRAM. Please lets check: Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD3H. BCLK 109.6 MHz (really 109.63 MHz) BCLK 109.7 Mhz (really 109.71 Mhz) BCLK 109.8 Mhz (really 109.79 MHz) Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP5H BCLK 109.7 MHz BCLK 109.8 MHz Who knows how to receive 1206.8 MHz on DRAM. No need magic hand, need only ASUS motherboard. John Lam «benched for Gigabyte» on ASUS motherboard the 17th of July. Please check this results, which submitted the 17th of July. I am sure that it was ASUS motherboard too. http://hwbot.org/submission/2300691_hkepc_superpi_core_i7_3770k_5sec_297ms But why wPrime 32M score John Lam submitted only the 27th of July? http://hwbot.org/submission/2303028_hkepc_wprime_32m_core_i7_3770k_3sec_484ms Because Mad222 submitted wPrime 32M the 17th of July. http://hwbot.org/submission/2300673_mad222_wprime_32m_core_i7_3770k_3sec_468ms I dont see screen by Mad222 for wPime 32M, but sure that John Lam submitted previous result, which was received by Mad222. I think that was same situation as in wPrime 1024M. Previous result, which Mad222 received the 17th of July, was submitted by John Lam the 27th of July. http://hwbot.org/submission/2292932_mad222_wprime_1024m_core_i7_3770k_110sec_281ms'>http://hwbot.org/submission/2292932_mad222_wprime_1024m_core_i7_3770k_110sec_281ms John Lam showed it as Gigabyte motherboard but higher i am explain why it was ASUS motherboard. This results was posted by John Lam, because Mad222 received better score. And submitted best score the 17th of July. And show us which was a really motherboard. http://hwbot.org/submission/2292932_mad222_wprime_1024m_core_i7_3770k_110sec_281ms I think it`s enough.
  5. Marc, Because I'm starting a witch hunt
  6. HWBot crew is back from Berlin and we are waiting decision. If need any facts for confirmation that John Lam is liar, i can show more.
  7. We must talk about sharing now.
  8. http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?282579-Benching-party-with-Hicookie-HKEPC-OC-Lab Mad222 explain in this thread why we see simular screens. Christyan Ney, i glad that HKEPC has more than 5 7GHz chip, but it does not give them the right for sharing results.
  9. We know about access to multiple chips, but dont understand why they shared results.
  10. Ok, please tell me how your photo explain that you dont shared results from one setup? If this picture OK for HWBot crew, please change rules. Must be write, if you live in different country and sent results on email another, you must be banned. But if you bench together, you can send results on usb flash drive without ban. HWBot crew, will ne any comments about this incident with HKEPC?
  11. John Lam, thank you for your real face.
  12. Mad222, Was 2 different CPU`s, 2 different DRAM kits, 2 different MB`s, 2 different SSD and 1 OS image, right?
  13. Yes, I am from Russia too, but it's not meant for this topic.
  14. for those who are not sure that this is one system: first result from Mad222 18 Aug: Super Pi 1M: After it was run Super Pi 32M, but was submitted 20 Aug by John Lam: Please double check shortcut on screens: And after it was run Super Pi 32M, which submitted 19 Aug by Mad222. Run with MaxMem, CopyWaza, Language bar. Can you explain me, why was disabled MaxMem, CopyWaza and Language bar for John Lam results, if it was on next day? Or John Lam dont know than with this tweaks results will be better?
  15. Guys, please stop.
  16. it would be better if I did not say anything?
  17. it not will work. Hwbot it`s system with rankings and points. If system will be divided points it will be not interesting for users.
  18. I just want that overclocking will be honest. I believe that these results are offensive to others. I hope all and HWBot stuff will understand and hear my words.
  19. I think it`s not working
  20. Hello everyone, My name is Vlad and i am extreme overclocker. I am benching on LN2 four last year. Overclocking it`s hobby for me and place in worldwide ranking is not important for me. If you know me, you must know than we are benching with Smoke two last year. And, probably, like all of life, in the history of my overclocking had ugly moments. Yes, I started with wrong way, but after 4 years, I understand that overclocking is a hobby, not ranking. At the moment, ranking of vendors! Yes, it happened, now I am also an employee one of a company, but today I want to turn to professional overclockers and say, let's be honest with each other. Dear Mad222 and Dear John Lam, You are showing perfect results for last months. And I understand how difficult it is, bench all day, to sort and find the best processors. And I am sure that you are the best of the best, and you've already well proven. But the situation with your results like my own a few years earlier. We bench with Smoke, and I understand that, to achieve world records need to use similar hardware. 3770K for Super Pi and HD7970 for 3D, but why posted similar results, I do not understand. I'm not talking about sharing and do not blame anyone. I just want to call overclockers to be a little more honest. Friends, I'm sorry if I offended you with my words.
  21. Thanks a lot for good words, my friends!!! I am sure we will meet in next time!
  22. I think than will be on next Computex, i hope to see you on G.Skill booth again
  23. Hello, i not will teammate with Smoke on MOA Grand Final and want to say good luck everyone in this battle. My friends, see you in another time!
  24. My teammate andrey_777 found it in CPU-Z database. CPU-Z bug or new World Record? http://oclab.ru/topic/amd-a10-5800k-9099-mgts-true-or-false
  25. saint19 same, 1500 usd in half year
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