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Everything posted by slamms

  1. Photos from OC Day by NeoForce: LN2 tanks: GiorgioPrimo is preparing 4-way SLI of GTX Titan with ASUS Rampage IV Extreme XtremeAddict joined, but last modded VGA not worked... So, they run only 3-way SLI. Russian prepared setup for 2D for testing EK-SF3D Inflection Point EVO and Triple Point EVO pots: 9.89 sec in PiFast at 6645 Mhz with ASUS Maximus VI Extreme and 2nd score in the world: We changed CPU and DRAM on Corsair GTX Dominator and run Intel XTU with NeoForce: 1445 marks in Intel XTU with ASUS Maximus VI Extreme at 5940 MHz! Thank you SF3D for this great event! Thank you to all, who joined in this event. I was happy to meet with you guys again! See you in next time! In Moscow i hope
  2. Sam, not possible!
  3. We bring 6 litres of vodka and Smoke with losted of voice, he cant speak, he is just drink machine
  4. Dear winners, i sent email with first info about AOOC. Please check email
  5. How about hot swap for VGA?
  6. Guys, just read 3 last pages in this topic. What i understood. Please dont use this, but everyone must know it:
  7. Lower voltage at 5 ghz.
  8. And dont forget Vadim`s CPU
  9. on LN2? Just 3 best from 36 pcs.
  10. slamms, GUN`G`STAR and DeDaL - we did it! 7 GHz with retail Haswell. http://hwbot.org/submission/2394151_slamms_cpu_frequency_core_i7_4770k_7005.11_mhz Test setup: Intel Core i7-4770K Patriot PCS Memory ASUS Maximus VI Extreme ASUS 8800 GT Corsair AX1200i Corsair Force 3 SSD It is best retail Haswell CPU, which i seen! Source: http://oclab.ru/articles/team-rusia-razgonyaet-riteylovyiy-i7-4770k-do-7-ggts
  11. Thanks for sharing, cool review!!!
  12. It is break NDA
  13. Finally, One of the Poland team will ryba & meis. We cant check, who is meis - overclocker or not, so we must meet personally on live final and check it
  14. Hmmm, what is HWBOT EASY CARD, i lost this info. Please explain me and reserve two for me and Smoke
  15. For sure. I fully agree, that he must choice OCer or be alone with/without our helper.
  16. So, we will wait answer from meis tomorrow
  17. Mate, I can explain why. 5 years ago this guys benched on air-water, no ln2. They benched all that they has. It never was a top hardware, they never has support, Kazakhstan never has support. But 2 years ago they got gift from Russia, it was LN2 pot. They started benched on LN2, after few months they bought new pots: CPU and VGA pots from Vince. For AOOC 2012 they qualified is clearly, TerraRaptor showed good experience and skills in SPi 32M. Now they started benched top hardware and VGA with LN2. They showed is good growth. We must give a chance. Who knows, maybe it will new overclocking stars like rbuass or Splave... Why not
  18. ryba, if you think that i am personally against you, you wrong. I don't care about you specially. If you no have overclocker teammate, it is not problem. You can bench alone and we will provide ln2 helper. ASUS not will cover costs on your friends. Also, when you will prepare documents for VISA, be careful. You must remember that correct country name is Russia, not Rusia. ASUS not will help with VISA in Rusia, because i don't know nothing about this country.
  19. Hello, about giorgioprimo: For me is clear. So, i tested ASUS GTX670M on default settings and got No visible data too. I didnt any special for it, so for me is software 3DMark problem. giorgiopromo`s result left without changes. about Ryba`s teammate: Account was registred two days before end of competition. Dear meis, community dont know nothing about you. Can you tell us about you?
  20. Dears, giorgioprimo, der8auer and mtech Please kindly let me know your teammate today. Thank you! Congrats to all winners.
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