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Everything posted by QuantumX

  1. I had another one that did 6.1GHz 1M with -105'C coldbug - it did 32M 5GHz @ 1.33v on air Considering that I'm sure you'll get in the 6.2 - 6.5 GHz range nonetheless EDIT: I see now you have 4790K lol, Sorry i thought you were talking about G3258 (images are blocked by work firewall)
  2. If it has low coldbug you should be able to bench at almost 6.5ghz. You'll break everones scores haha!
  3. Game over for everyone
  4. Pentium G3258 - Batch 3418C001 VID 1.002v SuperPi 32M 5GHz @ 1.27v HWBot Prime 6.3GHz Liquid Nitrogen - Coldbug -135'C http://hwbot.org/submission/2591287 Also Tested G3258 Batch 3418B977 Was able to do 6.1GHz Pi 1M but coldbug was only -105'C
  5. Thanks guys! Batch is 3418C001. I did add the batch when I submitted the score but was using Internet Destroyer so something went wrong lol Will add pics now
  6. Thanks to you for having me look for Dominator v7.1 kits They do seem to scale well with voltage so hopefully they will fly when cold.
  7. Here is mine http://hwbot.org/submission/2580318_quantumx_superpi___32m_core_i7_4770k_6min_3sec_563ms
  8. +1 Waiting for mine to ship too. I'm considering canceling my order with Amazon and wait for local stock, it seems that would be quicker
  9. If you looking at how strong the competition is for Class B, and you're looking at how hard it is to find a good CPU, you're going to be discouraged before you even start. What's the use then of participating if you're not going to enjoy it? Just buy a few CPU's, keep the best one, get the GPU and do your best with what you have. If you're gonna stress yourself out about winning then you are missing out on all the fun. Overclocking in concept is to take the hardware that you have and OC the best you can by any means possible. Not everyone wins the silicone lottery Just my 2c
  10. I guess that's gonna be the case with Pentium G3258 as well ...
  11. Tested 4770K batch L315B347 - disappointing, I thought older batches were better SPi 1M 5GHz 1.5v SPi 32M 4.9GHz 1.5v Spi 32M 5GHz 1.5v failed after 1 loop
  12. Nice run man! This motherboard looks strong! My P5Q Deluxe died and I need a s775 board, was considering this one but wasn't sure if it would be any good. Would you say this one is better than the DDR3 (I think UD3R) one?
  13. All good batches have been held back to be sold as 4790K
  14. Has anyone else tried with GTX Titan Black? Maybe it's this much better than 780Ti
  15. Looks like things are just going downhill with the newer batches
  16. LN2 Results: (3318B691) CPU-Z : http://valid.canardpc.com/8yr0hg SuperPi 1M : http://hwbot.org/submission/2500836_ wPrime 32M : http://hwbot.org/submission/2500833_ wPrime 1024M : http://hwbot.org/submission/2500832_ PiFast : http://hwbot.org/submission/2500829_ HWBOT Prime: http://hwbot.org/submission/2500827_ Cinebench: http://hwbot.org/submission/2500771_ Coldbug was bad; around -95. Multimeter voltage was around 1.79v Edit: Thermometer might have been inaccurate by 10 degrees so coldbug was possibly -105
  17. Close man, very close. Keep pushing!
  18. Nice session with Vivi Will bin for better CPU
  19. Keep reeling them cups in! Great work
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