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Posts posted by 3urner

  1.  I will start with a old 980 and 1060. For learning to bench sub zero. But Í am just asking in advance. 

    How long did it take till you had issues with condensation?  (shop towel isolation)

    8 minutes ago, ground1556 said:

    Have you benched anything on cold? If not, start with something cheap first... I know a fair lot of people who learned that the hard way.


    Plastidip is a pain to remove if not applied in a thick enough layer (spent half a day trying to remove leftovers from an x58a-oc recently), and even then it can be stuck under components and hard to remove. 

    Eraser - depending on how flat the surface you are insulating is, can be fairly alright to remove but not exactly fun. 

    Vaseline - not too hard to remove with liquid

    Shop towel - nothing on the board basically, but I've never had much luck with this, always had condensation issues after a little while



    8 minutes ago, Samsarulz said:

    Covers DIE but not whole frame around it (most, not 100%).  Works, but imho is not the ideal choice. Well, all depends on budget. Sometimes you can get Tek9Fat for $100. Better option is Kingpin Icon with much more mass (around 2.5Kg) and contact surface. Also the cooling plate is bigger but ICON goes for $309. Depends how hard you want to stress your card. Also Icon comes Turing front plate so you can use the external hole pattern, but being safer it also makes even pressure harder and contact might be worse. Some solutions like Bitspower POT enable both patterns using 8 screws and a backplate for better mounting.

    This below is Tek9 + 8point adapter.

    Image result for tek9fat

    You can see Icon has a much bigger plate haha



    Thank you really much for the detailed information! 

    I mostly intend to use the pot dry ice since i have no ln2 supply near me. 

    Is it that bad that not the whole frame is coverd by the pot? 


    Luumi and also Stepongzi (aka Bearded Hardware) used the icon with 4 Point mounting on the Kingpin. So a Fat should mount as good as a Icon or what do you think?



  3. 23 minutes ago, Samsarulz said:

    You can use inner holes no problem, just beware that too much pressure will bend card and might kill some traces. Well that happens with all cards.

    I've got a 3d Printer. I'll probably will make my own backplate so that the pressure is even and the card won't bent. 

    My concern is more that the cooling plate of the tek 9 fat will fit that massive  2080 ti Die. 

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