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    Studying Maths

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  1. Over all SP or just P-core sp of 100+?
  2. 3urner

    der8auer Raptor 4

  3. Ich sehe mein i7 macht sich gut.
  4. 3urner

    der8auer Raptor 4

    Raptor now 250+shipping. Last price
  5. Wow that's something amazing you achieved there! Congrats bro!
  6. Awesome score mate! Looking forward to seeing you push it higher?
  7. 3urner

    der8auer Raptor 4

    RTX 3080TI sold to Sporrdig! Raptor 4 now 280 + Shipping
  8. Let's see how fast Allen pulls out his backup
  9. 3urner

    der8auer Raptor 4

    Alright you have PN
  10. 3urner

    der8auer Raptor 4

    I'm up for offers!
  11. REAKTOR \G ( my take on a GPU LN2 Pot ) is added to start a new gpu cooling era
  12. 3urner

    der8auer Raptor 4

    Hi guys, testing of my pot is completed and thus my Galax 3080TI can go. I am also saying goodbye to my Raptor 4 since a new gpu cooling era has started now The 3080TI comes with the stock cooler and is currently insulated with liquid rubber. I can remove it if requested. The card does 2805MHz with the Raptor4 and 2820 with my Reaktor \G The Raptor 4 comes with all accessories and is insulated as you can see. The Items are located in germany and worldwide shipping is no problem! Price: RTX 3080TI SOLD Raptor 4 =>300 euros + shipping
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