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Everything posted by ncc-1709

  1. last page this was a bit of fun, now i waiting to see who drives around to who's house first. chill out, its suposed to be fun. plus, im the best
  2. lol. i hope to have dice before year ends on a decent dice tube(last one was too thick) with a decent setup, so i should with luck, get some of my places back on the rankings
  3. huh? hypro, you aint sending me a cascade system are you? or some l2n. i could probably earn a few hundred points if i had some especially after next tuesday
  4. overc locking is best donw via the bios. less chance of a windows coruption frying your mobo.
  5. just report it, that way apropriate things can happen to it.
  6. direcpll.dll could this be put in for the AQM3 one?
  7. try a newer bios. or even an older one. i had a problem at 3.2ghz (9x multi) till i flashed the bios. then hit 4.3ghz. flashed to a newer one again 2 days ago, and it reduced the max to 3.9ghz, so i flashed back and i can go to 4.3ghz again.
  8. ^^^ Very well said. i take it by the results of the poll, that LOD tweeks are generally acceptable still, but may change in the future? if so, back to benching i go.
  9. use a diffrent bios. i had this probelm earlyer with my q6600, i was limited to 3100mhz. since the flash i have hit 4ghz.
  10. just post a slightly inflated price bud, everyone wants to know roughly how much they are. even me. and i just finished making my ALU pot.
  11. -257 is 0*c it could be modifyed, but it was too easy to corupt the display trying to add negative numbers to it.
  12. the more expencive one has better / more voltage options and a third pic-e slot. and 2 lan ports.
  13. christ, you can edit that buy the bios on some boards.
  14. there is a lot of diffrence, i have both installed. lod 3 is the same on both programs.
  15. The reason i started this thread was because ive been doing some testing. i use NVhardpage for the testing. it allows a lod of 48. but does it make a diffrence on high end hardware, no. nothing at all any more. it may bive you 1k in 01, but nowhere else. infact, AQM3 gains from oposite LOD. making it sharper improves the score over poor quality. i still use it, as it allows slightly higher clocks, due to being less demanding on the cpu, but otherwise, your not gaining anything. its just like reducing the quality settings in the drivers another notch. it never use to be possible to turn AA and AF off on ATI cards, yet i never had it on. ATItool used to have a nice setting that turned it completally off. now was that a cheat? another driver to be tweeked. if you check the nvidia drivers, LOD is allready in there, same for ATI, they just set it slightly diffrently, better performance or better IQ. either way, its in there and the manufactureres use it to sell there cards. ok, i went off at a bit of a tangent.
  16. do you use lod tweeks while benching or not? and which benches?
  17. loss should have been less.
  18. if the best position could be showen that would be great. im hoping to get back within the top 100 some time soon. i probably could do that if i get my 7950gx2 out and mod it lol. but i need money before i can do that. perhaps more points should be given for efecency of overclocks, ie scoreing 200k on aqm3 at 4.4ghz would get loss points compaired to 4.3 or 4.2ghz.
  19. this was from 3rd of november 06. its amasing how quick overclocking changes... time i last properly overclocked. to today... hopefully i can regain some of that ground soon.
  20. ill give him that, he knows how to do it. and i know how he feels to run out whe your soo close.
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