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  1. wow that is incredible. "LNIB" is hard to find for these, or any 1366.
  2. The AHFD has a clear polycarbonate window, so you can see the platter and head. Your drive is functionally the same, but without the window. I want the window because it's to be used in a showy retro computer I'm piecing together.
  3. not really, looking for that model specifically.
  4. $50 + shipping for a good condition used example, more if you have the original packaging/box.
  5. Is there a performance/efficiency hit for using one of these? The traces are now much longer...
  6. Rivatuner shows me a range of +/- 3.0, does the program you're using have a different range for LOD values? I've been using older drivers, at latest 169.21. I thought perhaps the 101.09 driver that I was using might be the reason why LOD adjustments weren't doing anything, so I tried 169.21. The LOD adjustments are immediately obvious, because the picture is blurry, including loading screens. However the score is no different. In 101.09 the LOD adjustments didn't visibly change the picture at all. 169.21 Control raw sorted 0 1300 1294 Best half average Best half range 1 1297 1295 1298.0 3.0 2 1295 1295 3 1297 1296 4 1297 1296 5 1299 1296 6 1297 1296 7 1296 1297 8 1296 1297 9 1299 1297 10 1295 1297 11 1297 1297 12 1294 1298 13 1298 1299 14 1296 1299 15 1296 1300 Clamp negative LOD bias, and +1.5 0 1297 1295 Best half average Best half range 1 1299 1296 1298.6 1.0 2 1296 1296 3 1297 1296 4 1296 1297 5 1299 1297 6 1299 1297 7 1295 1297 8 1296 1298 9 1298 1298 10 1298 1298 11 1297 1299 12 1299 1299 13 1297 1299 14 1298 1299 15 1299 1299 Then I tried checking the "Color mipmaps" option in 3DMar05 settings, as well as setting LOD bias to +2.5 in Rivatuner, and that resulted in a significant improvement in score, but the benchmark is rendered not sampling the color textures, but solid colors representing the LOD mipmaps or something. Is that tweak allowed?
  7. I have no idea re. the first thing. I tried it in 05, and if there's an effect, it's within margin of error. stock clocks 3D05 0 1261 1258 Best half average Best half range 1 1261 1258 1262.4 4.0 2 1263 1259 3 1261 1259 4 1259 1260 5 1258 1261 6 1265 1261 7 1261 1261 8 1261 1261 9 1260 1261 10 1263 1261 11 1258 1261 12 1261 1263 13 1261 1263 14 1264 1264 15 1259 1265 First run with LOD +1.5 was 1259, inside margin of error. Not sure if you need it to be a small amount, or almost the whole slider, and whether the effect is going to be very small, or multiple percentage points. Is this the right way to set LOD bias? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1enyxWK1r0gXmStYlHrZHxG31DqIPODSp/view?usp=share_linkusp=share_link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ev8hNfM8vhhVbziuidMrrqNRhPM412JE/view?usp=share_link
  8. I'm starting with nvidia 7 series, and 3DMark06, currently on XP x64. Changing LOD/mipmap bias in rivatuner doesn't seem to do anything... Kinda getting the feeling that efficiency doesn't matter as much in 3d as it does in, say, 32m, because you can just use a current gen CPU. I still need to get at least the basics for efficiency tho. Any good forum threads? I wasn't able to turn hardly anything up via google. thx
  9. nnimrod

    AMD TL-68 cpu

    Turion 64 x2 TL-68, 2400mhz. Let me know if you've got one, thanks.
  10. That's a pretty nice system. What heat load will it hold at -110C? Does everything plug into normal 15a receptacles?
  11. closed
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