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Everything posted by Schmuckley

  1. Please close;board is gone owait..bossman in charge of that..It'll be here til next year!
  2. Wish you guys would stop raising the bar so high
  3. Mike is a PCM master! Oh,but he didn't take any hardware.. Looks to me like he took an Areca an some 840 pros.
  4. Front page! Somebody gonna mebbe try get a little more outta his now i bet
  5. So..Z87x-OC + golden 4770K + multiple 780Ti's =win?. Q:How is that retro?
  6. bah,just when you think you have an obscure chip and can get 1st on everything..there's knut.] an when you thin you've found another..there he is again
  7. price lowered
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