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    Czech Republic

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  1. Memory? You forgot or some other reason.
  2. @Leeghoofd delete my results .And write this on overall.
  3. https://hwbot.org/submission/5406350_dziarson_pyprime___32b_with_benchmate_ddr5_sdram_2min_12sec_46ms delete sub no cas 26
  4. @keeph8n yes i can read monday morning competition was lokk like that nut benchmate dont work whit 7775 and 5 days after start CC rules was chenged becosue softwere dont work.
  5. Delete all results on hwbot whit 775 becosue it is not work whit bench mate. Rules chenged.
  6. I was banned on discord because Benchmate does not support soc775. And I said directly that the most popular platform should not be limited by the fact that some software does not work properly, and I think that as BM is paid by users from HWbot it should be withdrawn from problematic validations. Of course my posts were deleted and I was banned. Why was anyone worried about their money? I don't understand, I guess everyone can express their opinion, unless it is contrary to someone's interests (financial intentions).
  7. Competitions not work ? I have 403 forbidden
  8. @Leeghoofd I have one question all new Ycruncher results ? https://hwbot.org/submission/5356234_phantom_k_y_cruncher___pi_1b_ryzen_9_7950x_12sec_365ms I have HAPET enabled and QPC is same as HAPET is my or they result OK or both ?
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