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Everything posted by zupernico

  1. Wuau ximi, menudo proce te has pillado!! 5200 a 1.52, la leche! B
  2. AAAAAAAAAAla!!, jejeje, venga ahi puntos, muy buen trabajo Pakito!!
  3. Ufff, no veas como la haces volar, ejejej, Buen trabajo!!
  4. Hi!! I sell my sli with waterblock, do you want to make me an offer with shipping included? http://hwbot.org/submission/2430847_zupernico_3dmark_vantage___performance_2x_geforce_gtx_295_46499_marks Regards!
  5. alone??, doing nothing?? 0.0
  6. I was testing a Ati 290x to 1.4v, may be why??
  7. The mine was very good, 5200 all benchs by watercooling
  8. Yes, 3 different rams, 1 stick and 4.
  9. Hi! Yesterday my RIVE gave error b7 with two bios and my 3960x. Today i tried it with another RIVE, but the same error b7. The processor is broken?
  10. In 3dvantage I have to prove it with the new bios too, but will remain bad.
  11. Thanks Terraraptor, Yes, It's very good score, in Fire strike extreme is very good too, but in 3dvantage is bad bad, my titan is better.
  12. Pues espero mejorarla, cuando arregle la placa o la cambie, que me dejo a medias de este test , a ver si es posible.
  13. Hi Guy, Have an error of understanding on PCMark05, xp startup must be less than 220. you reported to me one submision to be lower than 220 $) and yours give more than 220 which is incorrect. Regards.
  14. zupernico

    Ivy-e 4930k

  15. Yes, I have a problem with the first pcie on the RIVE, I have to use the next pcie. The first pcie does not detect the 290x
  16. zupernico

    Ivy-e 4930k

  17. Yes, I put a long bridge, I will try better cooling
  18. Well, now I have only one, the other died. The two had the same bios with unlocked core to 990. Thanks for all TerraRaptor, I will seek another 4870 and I will try again, but look that, are very different http://www.ixbt.com/video3/images/rv770-4/powercolor-4870-scan-front.jpg http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/8306/powercolorradeonhd4870s.jpg But i will try again. Thanks
  19. My psu is 1600w Lepa. Bridges i use one and two and no change. Sometimes, depends of the GPU, inexplicably, my first pci-e gives low results (RIVE), then sometimes I try second and third pci-e, they gives me better punctuation.
  20. Hi TerraRaptor, I have this: http://hwbot.org/submission/2428963_zupernico_3dmark_vantage___performance_radeon_hd_4870_14928_marks I have tried other brands and models, but it´s up separately, but not much in CF http://hwbot.org/submission/2435988_zupernico_3dmark_vantage___performance_2x_radeon_hd_4870_23993_marks Bluescreen 116 One of my 4870 was broken then I want to try the same model and brand. Thanks
  21. Hi, I want to do crossfire with one that I have, I need powercolor in any of the two versions. Shipping to Spain. Thanks
  22. zupernico

    Ivy-e 4930k

  23. zupernico

    Ivy-e 4930k

    SORRY!!!!!! I think 4930k>>5000 is better than my 3960x>>5200
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