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Everything posted by fahmi_thebull

  1. disuruh lepas mounting kagak mau mas.. zzzz
  2. Good luck y'all !! keep pushing !
  3. @NEDERNAKKER : I know about that sir, that's why i didn't make the valid screenshot (with the walppaper,cpuz etc.) hehehehe.
  4. Thanks to mr. Hazzan for the lab and the tea.
  5. ayo mas Alva !! kurang firestrike aja.. semoga bawa pulang piala mas.. Go get 'em!
  6. mantap mas bro... sayang punya ane polor 7790 nya gak bisa di unlock voltage control nya.. bravo!!
  7. have you consider re-run the test ? i watched it has 11xxx and on the lower clock/memory than yours.
  8. my friend have another submission that is crazy. http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/5950367 7850 crossfire. but it reads single GPU
  9. i have no idea my friend. i was shocked ! so i submit it here.
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