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Everything posted by newlife

  1. It's even easier to use http://forum.hwbot.org/showpost.php?p=337193&postcount=77 although the address range is more like 00460000 to 00480000 in the latest version and offset volts are in mv such +100mv has a value of 100 Also it should work for any amd cards that voltage control in AB and lightning and hawk nvidia cards should work also if the bios allows
  2. Best time still has a good 15s improvement to be had
  3. Not to bad - try disabling all but 2 cores, getting the NB as high as possible it is considered safe to use up to 1.4v on the cpu/nb and do you what the 4 digits after the first 4 are on the serial number on the TridentX as that will tell me the ic and I'll be able to help with timings Also windows xp 32bit and robbos guide http://www.overclock.net/t/1249432/super-pi-32m-tweaking-guide
  4. Wasn't the idea of aida64 so they can really tell what chipset it uses if cpu z reports wrong
  5. Bit of an update with kabini http://hwbot.org/submission/2981707_
  6. I think with the 5450 one on ocau we had 3 board designs in the 1gb gigabyte and Sapphire and Asus all differed a fair amount
  7. Yeah although I don't think having all the mods ready beforehand is the best because I enjoy figuring out how to mod them myself and you may find far too many layouts between the different aib manufacturers also I never would have picked up a soldering iron if it wasn't for one of the comps on OCAU which to me was a huge boost in my interest in overclocking and even lead to my first time using LN2
  8. I doubt it takes much effect to figure out the mods for the card and if the mods aren't known for the card I'll happily share them
  9. Assuming they aren't too hard to get for most people I'm fine with that as such in the last OCAU comp run by 0+0 we used 580's because they could had for around $100aud and aren't very hard to get but for the first comp anyway I think 5450 or 210 or 610 or 720 just to keep it simple as they are available in retail Edit: I think it may be a good idea to point out that steponz is looking run a cheap 3d comp
  10. I don't have either but I might grab a 720 at some point I had a quick look into both the cards and the 720 and 730 gddr5 look to be rebrands of the GT635 and the 740 seems to be a slightly cutback 650
  11. Stuff it I moved because it's not like anyone on my team was trying in the team cup
  12. With the way the benchs are looking it's going to be about who has the highest clocking card (both memory and core) and the gt210 has poor availably in Australia and costs more than a 5450 also it doesn't really matter what card you pick it's going to come down to the mods and how how high you can get it to clock If you want to make it so people are on level grounds whether cold or ambient the gt610 is your card because it doesn't scale what so ever with temps
  13. That's awesome and after the team cup ends I might switch teams for a few months if they don't mind
  14. Personally I'm a fan both 2d and 3d and I think it's good benches are good at both (but each to their own) and I know a lot of people see 3d as something that is easy and requires no skill and a lot of money although from my experience while the benchs aren't very tweakable it takes a certain skill to clock the cards as high as possible. On term of points I personally think 2d benchs like XTU receive way too many points although that seems to be because of the extremely large amount of subs for it hwbot get
  15. I'm baseing this on availability in Australia but the gt 720 and 730 as well as r5 220 and 230 are valid options although more pricey than 5450 and GT 210 Edit: based on a comp we had on OCAU while memory was very important it still saw larger gains and the cards did clock pretty well as in 1400mhz+ http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=1151880
  16. 06 I think might be as bad ad 05 cpu wise Yeah I think you might be spot on especially given the wrapper hasn't been updated in years
  17. No problem with cloud gate but as for gpupi these cheap cards lack double precision support which makes them incapable
  18. Sounds to me that someone is butthurt because they don't have skylake
  19. To elaborate and sound less like an ass The idea of a cheap gpus comp is to draw in newcomers and people who have been overclocking for awhile now but too afraid to mod cards out of fear they will kill their $500+ gpu and most of these people only really have modern Intel cpus and won't have to buy cpu/mb/ram
  20. No, just no If it was limited to 775 and below 90% of hwbot's active members wouldn't be able to compete so it's best not make such a stupid limit especially when you guys have the old school comp Trying to make sure benchs are as little cpu limited as possible I'm not against because it makes the comp more newb friendly but trying to limit to 775 and below is plain stupid
  21. Lol, ok we shouldn't use heaven because you have problems with it. Once again lol P.S. Any problems I've had with it was fixed by a reinstall of windows I know for a fact that 3dmark 01 isn't a cpu bench with modern Intel cpus and gt 610 http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showthread.php?t=1125294 If Vantage doesn't work on low end cards explain this http://hwbot.org/submission/2493728_12_3dmark_vantage___performance_radeon_hd_5450_gddr3_3048_marks Maybe next time instead of trying to shoot down what I say you can add something constructive
  22. So how about this? As for stages and hardware after a thought HD 5450 because it's widely available and scales with cold although if you want something that doesn't scale with cold the gt610(gt520) will fill that spot Maybe a cold and ambient comp Stage 1: 3dmark 01 (will be cpu limited on the amd side but not Intel) Stage 2: 3dmark 03 Stage 3: Unigne Heaven basic Stage 4: 3dmark Vantage (GPU score) Like that it removes pretty much any cpu bottlenecks and allows no need restrict the cpu clocks Also for the name Cheapazchips GPU comp works Checking availably of the gpu used is very important Also I plan on helping people out in getting the card modded as that should allow a lot more to compete
  23. I think it's best not to use the mobile style because it's harder to navigate, looks like crap, chatbox doesn't work and only shows loading and I don't think anyone has problems accessing the normal forums on mobile because it works well on a range of new and old devices
  24. Just bunnying hack it and screw guru3d
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