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Everything posted by hipro5
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
ONCE AGAIN, you KNEW that they BOTH USED THE EXACT SAME CPU and they have BOTH uploaded CPU related bencies and you have done/said NOTHING ABOUT THAT TILL NOW.......WHY?.....Aren't you following the rules of hwbot?...... Richbastard said (according to hwbot's rules) that ONLY ONE SET OF CPU benchies SHOULD be RUN with ONE CPU......That "CPU set" was MINE FIRST (you could check the dates of the resaults for it)..... To see WHAT?...... You remind me of our "dreamer esdee"..... . -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
God is only ONE......ALL others are just "humans".....Don't "stick" to a title that people give to other people.....It means nothing..... Nothing to me at least..... Yes there are "THE benchers" out there......BUT they are not "Gods".... I spend my time for my team.....IF this team wasn't existing, I assure you that I wouldn't even involved in such things as I always did.... On a side note: Keep benching and have fun.... IF you lose the "fun of benching", then stop doing it......It ain't worth it..... Borg don't "tease" me about my age...... OPB thinks that I am 60 years old and he expects the day I die as he wrote in his forums.....He thinks that I'll die before him...... :p -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
No.......You know that I ADMIRE you the MOST of the hwbot....Not calling names but YOU (as for me at least) ARE the hwbot.... Richbastard IS the "head" of it and you're the boddy..... If anyone says that's not like this, then he's wrong..... On CEBIT for SURE we are going to have fun this year cuz I will have NOTHING to do there except some "walking" and fooling around.....So I will have PLENTY of FREE time despite of last year which I was VERY buzy from 9 am to 9pm..... Hobby IS a hobby and job IS a job.....Don't compare those two things together.....One has nothing to do with the other.... Well maybe there is a tiny connection between two of them.....I'm trying to make the BEST for my job by taking examples (knowledge) from my hobby..... .....and PLEASE don't talk about the "computer parts" hipro-tech is making cuz UP TO NOW, we have given MORE money into this than we have TAKEN.....So, you could call it a hobby this too IF it doesn't give you any money....Despite it takes you MORE...... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
@ Polonos: From the time that you got involved with hwbot crew, you have messed up FOUR GREEK FORUMS......IF I'm wrong on this please correct me......FOUR GREEK FORUMS were f(l)ucked up by you, by fighting each other, etc.....USERS can speak for themselves.... YES you may spend your free time for hwbot....YES they may need you as a Moderator......YES you have done a GOOD job till now as for hwbot...... NOOOOO you have messed up ALL GREEK O/C community..... You SHOULDN'T be involved with Greek forums if you wanted to be a Moderator of hwbot...... You shouldn't have the title of "police dep. of hwbot" (it meant that)..... You SHOULD NOT SPEAK about hwbot into the Greek forums and how much you have "helped" us..... When someone from a Greek forum says something to you and then you go to another Greek forum and say that thing to another person and visa-versa, you JUST frustrate things by doing so and nothing more..... PLEASE keep up the good work you're doing with hwbot and leave us Greek forums alone......Thanks.... P.S. Polonos.........THAT'S why I made it PUBLIC.......P.Ms sometimes frustrate things.......PUBLIC is MUCH BETTER as for me, so ALL people will know what's going on in a story and anyone could say his own oppinion..... . -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
Astri, look at the post below to yours..... PLUS......I have PROVEN HERE in hwbot, that I "personally" don't CARE about hwpoints by REMOVING ALL of my scores/points.... AFTER some discussion I had with some guys and after they "persuaded" me in a way to upload them again to help MY TEAM, I re-upload them once again.....I re-upload them NOT for me BUT for my TEAM AND ONLY.... "Reputation".......Hmmmm.......A "big word"......WHAT has this "reputation" of mine given me till now except from some hardware this LAST YEAR?..... Does it feeds me?.....Does it feeds my family?.....NO......So I don't care..... I have spent thousands of $ ALL these years for my hobby.....I have spent THAT much that you cannot even imagine.....I have divorced my x-wife and quit my family for my hobby....I didn't have to eat or to buy cigarettes just to buy hardware for my hobby......I have shut down my other business in another city for my hobby..... ONLY from the "ABIT IC7 series motherboard", I have ~10 of them burned down in my place here...... WHAT ELSE does this God damn hobby needs from me?.... I speak......Yes, I speak when I see something wrong.....Some people like it and some not.....I don't care.... I prefer to speak than hiding myself behind the curtains to "play the nice guy".....I'm a nice guy but I'm also "straight to my feelings" and I have never hidden from anyone or anything...... Yes I have made wrongs some times and I have admitted that....We are humans and sometimes we make wrongs..... "Reputation"......WHICH of you new guys remember the REAL "old school" benchers that they have ALSO dedicate their own life on this damn hobby of ours..... Do you know the name: "JCviggen".....the name: "OPAINTER".....the name: "Digital Jesus".....the name:....the name:....the name:.....? I bet you don't.......and do you know what.....Overclocking community IS A WAY OF LIVING and you MUST LEARN its "history" before you start or quit.....It's a "Nation of its own"......Countries have their own history.....people have their own history......Overclocking community has its own history as well..... "Reputation"......An "empty word" with no meaning to me........It may means something to some guys BUT for me is worthless.......MAN counts, NO it's "reputation" as you mean it...... When you don't say anything, you are good to everyones eyes.....When you say something, you don't expect from everyone to follow your thoughts.....Some may like you and some not..... When you say the things as they are, some will like you and some not..... Well, I prefer to say the things as they are and as I believe they are and loose some, than don't say anything and keep it inside me to "play it nice guy"......You know, when you keep things inside your mind, things that you want to say but you don't, some day you may start hate everyone and everything and that's not healthy..... Anyways.......that was a long post for me - though I wanted to write down more - but I'm not used to long posts..... @ Obi : You're an arss (as for me ) .....BUT I respect/like the way of yours that you say what you have to say and don't hide like many others do.... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
Yes, maybe you're right on this..... Thanks M8.... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
Massman.....I REALY opened this thread ONLY to provoke same things happening here and there and clear things up as for what means "team benching" and not and if you wish, for reference usage of this thread later on.... IF you want to hear my TRULLY and HONESTLY oppinion.....Here it is: From the time hwbot "open it's gates" for "TEAMS", we (many of us) has lost friends from this...... TEAMS are "BAD"....ONLY INDIVIDUAL BENCHERS will keep things straight, clean, and FRIENDLY MOST OF ALL..... This is my oppinion though with simple and straight words.... EDIT: By saying that teams are "bad", I don't mean that they are bad BUT that teams seperates people (if you can understand what I mean)..... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
What this has to do with me and pouring LN2 to some guy?.....WE (me and the guy) ARE NOT A "TEAM"......H.O.T. IS a "TEAM".....I don't get it!..... WHERE is this "hiden rule" of pouring LN2 to a guy?.....I don't see it written ANYWHERE HERE: http://www.hwbot.org/hwbot.post.do?postId=689 ....Do you... ?... Sorry for that SF3D but he forsed me to write it down...... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
1. It WASN'T the "same day" as you claim..... 2. The ONLY "same hardware" - IF you want to say it like that - were DIFFERENT ATIs 2900XT which were FLASHED with the SAME BIOS.... ALL OTHER ARE DIFFERENT if you take a look at the benchies.... Now...Should I flash my 2 x 3870s with a bios that a guy have uploaded and it is the EXACT SAME FOR TOO MANY users OR should I wait for hwbot permission to do so..... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
Sorry for the too many photos but that he was told me to do.....upload them.... Now......He says that he HAS RECIEPTS FOR EVERYONE OF THEM and he asks to WHOME should he send them to testify that it is HIS HARDARE He also told me that once it is testified, he DEMANDS from SF3D to APOLOGIES IN PUBLIC and QUIT from Moderator (cuz he ain't worth it judging people he doesn't know and say things about them that are NOT REAL)..... (His words not mine - Sorry but he told me to write that down - ).... Elefsinaras He benchies ALWAYS TO HIS PLACE with his hardware and hardware that I don't give a dumn from where he finds/buy them..... He has benched ONLY ONCE at my place and that was done ALONE (I had work to do and I didn't pay attention at what he was doing)...... NOT for the benchies we are talking about here.... gioprgos th. He benched TWICE at my place.... He benched with: My "spare" VGAs ATI 2900XT ON AIR with their default heatsinks that I DON'T USE AND I HAVE NEVER UPLOADED ANY RESAULT FROM THEM..... My "spare" QX9650 RETAIL that I DON'T USE AND I HAVE NEVER UPLOADED ANY RESAULT FROM IT (by the way I have another two of them for sale - one does 5430MHz 3D and the other one does 5380MHz - PM in case that someone is interested - My "spare" ASUS Blitz Extreme DDR3 that I DON'T USE AND I HAVE NEVER UPLOADED ANY RESAULT FROM IT (I have it for "backup reasons" in case something happen to my first one)..... And YES I MYSELF have poured LN2 for him on his benchings.....BUT that I made it a gift for him.... DO we in hwbot take any points for pouring LN2 into someones container?.....IF yes, then cut them from me.... NOW if you have anything to ask please do.... CONTINUING...... According to THE BELOW QUOTE: I DEMAND RIGHT NOW TO TAKE DOWN the following scores that were done with "MY" QX9650 ES CPU..... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667143 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667142 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=666910 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667130 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667128 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667837 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=668073 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667843 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=668877 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=668875 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667846 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667853 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667927 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667862 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667858 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667913 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=667912 The ABOVE resaults/scores were done with "MY" CPU.....PLUS POLONOS KNEW IT that those benchies were done with ONLY ONE CPU and he DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO YOU (hwbot crew)......WHY? ..... OR you knew it too and you have "covered" it somehow?... IF the hwbot CREW, ISN'T FOLLOWING IT'S OWN SITE'S "RULES", then I ask you, how some people out there will follow them?....Simple question by a simple user.... Last sentenses by me: 1. Obi you're an arss.... 2. Polonos you just DON'T deserve the place you have into hwbot crew as for me..... 3. We had a "benching session" at my place....There were about 20 persons or more BUT ONLY giorgos th. was benching that day with the hardware I wrote above.... ALL THE OTHER persons were talking, laughing and things like that as a company you know..... Now once again, please ask whatever you want.....Thanks.... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
WTF happent to my thread?..... TOO MANY posts.... First off, this is going to be a LONG post......So PLEASE read it ALL carrefully.... Let's start with this: To clear some thing up..... Those 2/3 guys you're talking about have NEVER BENCHED TOGETHER - EVER - PLEASE KEEP this in mind and let's move on..... Now..... tsan He OWNS the hardware he have benched till now and he owns MORE that this too...... He's a "quite guy" and he ALWAYS BENCHIES ALONE TO HIS PLACE.... He doesn't write well English so he told me to write some things in Enlish for him - He was saying them to me in Greek and I will write them down in English - Here's HIS benching place and HIS HARDWARE: EACH photo has his description... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
Hi there.....It took a while for my answer I think..... Well, I have a LOT to write and I don't have the time right now (I'm on a friend's computer)..... When I'll be in my place (in an hour or two), I'll write down what I have to and I'll upload and some photos that I was sent).... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
Which ATI's of all?..... I own 5 of them gprhellas has 2 or 3 of them tsan has another two Gorilakos another two CPUs.....I own TWO (and THREE up to now - from today evening I will own 2) tsan has two or three gprhellas another one or two 8800s I have here 4 of them gprhellas has another 2 plus a GTS 512 now tsan has another 2 Gorilakos has 4 or 5 Now sorry BUT I HAVE to leave you a bit (till the night) cuz I'll start benching with LN2 to take down the SINGLE VGA Aquamark3 and 2k1 that k|ngp|in took away from me..... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
Which one of ALL these (and much more)?.... For example, I own 2 x Blitz Extreme DDR3 Mobo BUT I benched with ONLY one of them......SO as you claim, the other one is "free" for someone else to bench......No?..... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
The harware it's not team's hardware.....It's user's hardware.... .....but as a team, we help each other by lenting them some things.... -
POLICE department INTO hwbot?....
hipro5 replied to hipro5's topic in Submission & member moderation
OK.....Let's start talking now.... Above there are 5 x QX9650 for 4 users as you say PLUS another 3 of them in tsan's place PLUS my ES....Is it OK this?.... Now ask what else you want and I'll answer... EDIT: A simple example with the EXACT SAME CPU USED at the EXACT SAME DAY..... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=682457 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=682609 SO according to your words, ONE of these users MUST take down his result......No?..... -
Here's an e-mail two of my team members have got from hwbot Moderator/s..... Hi guys! We moderators at the HWbot are suspecting that you three guys have used same hardware in some bench session. You have submitted almost similar results to each account. That is not allowed in HWbot. Only the OWNER of the parts can submit result. I know that you have a lot of sponsored hardware, but that doesn't change this situation. You have two (2) days time to fix your results. After that time limit I will block two of those results and only the best result can stay. But that best result must be from the same user in every benchmark. You decide who it will be. Thank you and I hope you understand this! -xxx- HWbot HOF moderator. ARE we making jokes here or what?...... According to this: http://www.hwbot.org/forum/showthread.php?t=1352 ....it's OPPOSITE to this in the e-mail: "Only the OWNER of the parts can submit result." ....again: "As long as the bencher posting the result did all the work himself hwbot doesn't care." .....and.... "Only the OWNER of the parts can submit result." Now.....can someone explain us please what's going on here?.... I'll start.... PCMark2005: 1. User hipro5 http://service.futuremark.com/compare?pcm05=1265493 It was done with: a. Blitz Extreme DDR3 mobo b. 8800Ultra on LN2 c. Cellshock DDR3 PC14400 BLUE KIT (BETA) Ram modules d. 3 x iRams - one mine and 2 of gprhellas' e. was done on 12-13-2007 2. User gprhellas http://service.futuremark.com/compare?pcm05=1278584 It was done with: a. P5E64 WS PRO DDR3 mobo b. 8800 GTX ON AIR with a gprhellas' "heasink patent" c. Cellshock DDR3 PC14400 BLACK KIT RETAIL Ram modules d. 3 x iRams - one mine and 2 of gprhellas' e. was done on 12-20-2007 3. User elefsinaras http://service.futuremark.com/compare?pcm05=1275704 It was done with: a. Blitz Formula DDR2 mobo b. 8800 GTX on it's stock heatsink cooling c. Team Xtreme RETAIL Ram modules d. 2 x iRams - one mine and one of gprhellas' e. was done on 12-18-2007 Almost the same hardware was used for the other resaults too... Not to write a lot more, please ask what else bench you want to ask about..... We have: 2 x ASUS Blitz Extreme mobos 3 x ASUS P5E3 WS Pro mobos 2 x ASUS Blitz Formula mobos 2 x ASUS P5E64 WS Pro mobos and some others like DFI, Foxconn, etc. so there are about 13 - 15 mobos for 5 USERS (let's say).... We have: 5 x 8800 ULtras one on air and all the others moded for cascades/LN2 We have: 4 x 8800GTX 2 moded for LN2/cascade and 2 on air 6 x ATI HD2900XT 2 moded for LN2 2 moded for LN2 AND air (with gprhellas heatsink pattent - please gprhellas upload some fotos of it - and 2 with stock cooling EDIT cuz I forgot to write my 5 x 2900XTs..... 2 was sent to me by macci (PM him and ask him), 2 was sent to me by ASUS Taiwan and one as a gift from my friend k|ngp|n..... ALL OF THEM ARE FLASHED WITH THE EXACT SAME BIOS at 850/950(990) IF this is what you mean.... We have: 6 x LN2 containers for CPUs 5 x LN2 containers for VGAs We have: 8 x 1GB CellShock DDR3 Ram modules (one Blue kit mine and the others are gprhellas', phsilos' etc. We have: 7 - 9 QX9650 CPUs (and still counting up) We have: OVER 16GB of 1GB Ram modules of DDR2 We have: 4 x LN2 dewars 1 x 26lt 1 x 30lt 1 x 50lt 1 x 90lt We have: EACH ONE OF US Many DDR Maximizers.. We have: Many HDs and TOO MANY DELTA fans each one of us We have: 1200Watts PSUs by hipro-tech 1000Watts PSUs by Silverstone 1250Watts PSUs by Cooler Master and MANY others EACH user has benched ALONE and ONLY..... only giorgos th. was helped by me and ONLY for pouring LN2 into the container..... Now please tell us what more do you want from us?.....Thanks..... Would you like to start posting pictures from all the hardware that we own?.....If so, tell it to us and we plesently will.... .
I'm very sorry to say that I will bench with ALL VGAs available with my rig..... The reason is NOT that I want hwbot points for myself (I don't really care to be honnest) BUT I HAVE to help my team to climb higher (every point count)...... I'm VERY SORRY to say and to do so BUT I HAVE to do it..... Forgive me please because it's for a "good cause" - you understand I hope -..... Thanks guys....
Turn of situation - Polish are First again, USSR second....
hipro5 replied to Monstru's topic in Team Discussions
OK.....If you were honnest with the MXS guys, then I'm sorry of what I said.... -
Turn of situation - Polish are First again, USSR second....
hipro5 replied to Monstru's topic in Team Discussions
I think that you're dreaming somehow.... WHO's starting a "childish, unhonorable and dirty campaign against you" ?..... Wape up.... I don't care..... :p ....and YES you DESERVE every hwbot point you get, I didn't say anything about that and congrats about it.....That's ALL ABOUT if I'm not wrong..... -
Turn of situation - Polish are First again, USSR second....
hipro5 replied to Monstru's topic in Team Discussions
Heh, heh, heh......Now that Mickey and Gorod came back to MXS, I moved to my place - for the time been - I'm watching you..... -
Turn of situation - Polish are First again, USSR second....
hipro5 replied to Monstru's topic in Team Discussions
HE ruined his reputation by cheating and HE himself....Other people just nailed him down.... OK.....nough said here I think......I won't comment to the others... Sorry UnKnown Team if you feel this way... It wasn't my attention to do so.... I think that IF OPB will be at his place when we visit US and CES to bench among us as he SAID and not "escape" that time, we will see the things MORE CLEARER...... I just hope that he just doesn't get "dissapeared" that time.... IF he's not there (which I strongly believe), then what you guys have to think about that?.....MORE Excuses?...... I'm telling you that he has two choices: 1. to be there and bench infront of everyone (as he said he will) and everything's OK then...... and 2. DISSAPEAR during CES and come back afterwards by saying that he had some kind of problem.....- which personally I strongly believe - IF he's there and bench, EVERYTHING will be CLEARED then and no more arguings, etc.....You will see how our O/C world will be afterwards..... PLEASE REMEMBER MY WORDS......NOT much time left.... -
Turn of situation - Polish are First again, USSR second....
hipro5 replied to Monstru's topic in Team Discussions
Why do I have the filling that you're describing EXACLY OPB here?..... Remember his avatar? "No one can touch me because I'm OPB".....Remember that?.....or even his new one? "The One & Be the Perfect"...... Think again M8.... @ demiurg & ALT-F13 : Thanks guys.....I'll stay a bit in your team.... ....and don't listen to Bulls some guys say about sorry and things like that coz they don't deeply mean it....It's just for "people's eyes" and nothing more than that....."They" just want to "rip you" and that's all.... I'm glad that MickeyMouse FINALLY fould out that he's NOT for that forum....He's more mature than that and give some respect to this guy dispite what he has done for you, he's an old bencher after all..... @ Eldonko: Now they have to bench more.....That's the competition... -
Turn of situation - Polish are First again, USSR second....
hipro5 replied to Monstru's topic in Team Discussions
Hmmm.......Every time you will "pass" MXS, a bencher of our team will join MXS.....Till.......EVER..... I was very polite and congrated you BUT you REALLY DON'T DESERVE IT GUYS....PERIOD..... -
Turn of situation - Polish are First again, USSR second....
hipro5 replied to Monstru's topic in Team Discussions
Hmmmm......Because I DIDN'T like your aditude.....WATCH your team going SECOND now....