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Everything posted by hipro5

  1. No, I'm saying that you block/delete scores of 2006....... why?..... For example: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=617890 This bench was done on: 31-03-06, 01:34 IF you take a look at "link to forum post" link.... hwbot RE-SCAN it on: 29-06-2007 07:34 AND you have BLOCKED IT......WHY?.......because hwbot RE-SCAN it on 29-06-2007 ? IS IT OUR FAULT that hwbot RE-SCAN it on 29-06-2007 ?..... PLUS that you have done the EXACT SAME thing on MANY SCORES like this one.....
  2. NOT to start a new thread...... WHY you guys are blocking/deleting OLD scores?...... You (or the guy who has report them) say: "due to no cpu-z/memory screenshot" or something like that...... You expect US to re-run NOWADAYS these OLD benches with AMD FX57 of Dothan cpus to provide you a validated cpu-z screenshot?......ARE you crazy or what?....... Please DON'T do that because they are OLDDDDDDDD scores and the "validation of the cpu-z" screenie "rule" DID NOT EXISTED THOSE DAYS....... Thanks...
  3. Could someone take Tapakah's CPU and see if it does as he claims PLEASE (how much more polite could this be told?)........
  4. Yea, you two will wait for EVER for explanations......
  5. No...... I'm 35.......
  6. I HOPE so....
  7. Did we have any news?....
  8. OK.....In some of your words you are right..... Why to show proof?......... OK........ IF a score is out of the limit and hardware MUCH HIGHER in fsb/clocks/etc from others and they (or anyone else) want to be OK with ALL the others (if you haven't noticed hwbot is a "competitive community"), they SHOULD show proof when asked......OR else everyone IN HERE could do as he pleases...... They are not uploading their scores in a forum of their own to go out and say: "Hey look I got these resaults".....They upload their scores to a "competitive community".....TOTALY different thing......We are TOO MANY IN here...... It's a site for competition if you can understand what I mean and proof IS NEEDED in here.....
  9. The problem is that we (personaly I) have a life, have wife and children which I teach them EVERY DAY, to be HONEST MOST of all.... I KNEW from the VERY START of this thread that there will be NO PROOF at all, though I insisted somehow, not because I care about these guys BUT because I CARE about HONESTY in the overclocking community.......BUT I see that you DON'T want anyone to care about it..... You will hear from me no more, because ALL those times I had fighten about HONESTY in overclocking world, I made "enemies"..... It's OK with me, I don't care about them because they DON'T WORTH it BUT I DO CARE about ALL the others..... P.S. Recording a video of the bench says shi(f)t to me........ We have seen OPB's Aquamark3 WR video a year ago, that while his CPU was at the "edge" of it's frequency of benching, he poored only a few drops of LN2 in the pot to finish the whole bench......GIVE ME A BREAK.......This is CRAP to me......
  10. Oliver, IF MY name was involved in such occasions, the hell with the CPU M8 and I wouldn't care if the CPU whould die.....After all it's my name and not a flucken CPU if you can understand what I mean..... PLUS it will be sent to TRUSTED person.... ....AND I doupt that ANY of these things will happen (even send it to a trusted person) because I don't see any "possitive reaction" of these guys here....ONLY excuses here and there....and in the end the "list" of the "untrusted people" will grow bigger.....
  11. Accually I don't have bad manners as you say..... I'm a nice guy if you ask a LOT of people from the NET around the world that have met me in person. My additude becomes a bit bad, ONLY when I see things like that and ONLY.... When CEBIT time comes as you claim, that CPU might have been "damaged" or burned and THERE YOU GO with ANOTHER excuse..... BETTER is to send it to Dedal of SF3D or a person we ALL trust and respect, NOW - NOT after a month or so.....to clear things up.... IF you want to "crear things up" with NO OTHER excuses..... ALL others are excuses to "crunch the time" like someone else did.....
  12. I have thinked about this situation a LOT and I came to some conclussions: a. - and the EASIEST WAY - is this CPU to be SEND to a respectable overclocker to bench it at 6600MHz AT LEAST as for Super-Pi 1M and AT LEAST 6550MHz as for Pi-Fast....... IF he manages to do so, then I - personally - believe every other bench that was made... IF NOT, then ALL the other benches which was done with the VGA's, mobos, CPUs are FAKE.... b. Go to HIT at Russia with the hardware and bench it there....ALL expences are paid as I read so there is no excuse the money thing.... c. I come to Latvia and see myself so to convince pro or any other, that you guys are right..... IF any of the above can't be done, then I'm sorry but PERSONALLY I will not believe that the scores provided are "legal" and not cheated....
  13. ......or maybe someone is trying to avoid the reality....
  14. OK..... Deal with the guys if they want to and I'll tell them when......Deal?.... Yes, if they bench THAT HIGH (or a bit lower), I'm not afraid to ask appologies in public.....When I'm RIGHT, I STAND UP and fight and when I'm WRONG, I accept it..... I'm not "hidding" like "someone else" ALWAYS does...... P.S. jmike you're an ass...
  15. me, Vince and Shamino, broke a year ago the 2k6 with 2 x 2900s...... IF I was alone - for example - the score whould be questioned because that period of time 2k6 was "NVIDIA's bench"....That WR which was made by three of us, took place at my place watched by over of 20 people..... Lately, I've benched and took the 2k1 WR in 4870s CF category in public too.... SO benching in public with hardware you KNOW and you're familiar with, is NOTHING more that benching them at home alone....
  16. I'm IN on that deal...... PLUS that afterwards and if it was cheating involved: a. those two users will be banned for LIFE in every forum and in hwbot and b. YOU will personally (pay me of caurse ) open a thread in XS, OCX, hwbot asking sorry for cheaters that are existing ONLY in OCX... are you IN or are you chicken?..... EDIT: I don't PERSONALY call these guys "cheaters" - for the time been - .... I just have seen BEFORE and now, "strange scores" and I HAD SENT a PM a month ago or so, to a hwbot mod about them and watch them closely - NOW as I see those "strange scores" are keep coming and coming.......
  17. ....and IF you see by chance TaPaKaH, tell him hi by me....
  18. I'm none....Just an Internet person... ....and I didn't acctually understand that photo you have uploaded...
  19. I bet that he will not come..... Reminds me of "another" person doing such things without providing real evidence NEVER till now.... Do NOT expect him to Russia.... BAD thing though is that I thought that mrlobber was decent... When he moved to the "other" forum, their "master" have manipulate them with some kind of brain wash, to cheet...
  20. I heard than TaPaKaH will be in Russia in the end of November...Well....It will be GOOD idea if he could take this MAGICAL CPU and bench it there at 6700MHz in front of the audience.... No?.... That way he could prove that he is right...
  21. Fluck off dinos.........
  22. Heh, heh, heh.........Nice hearing this.......A new age of benching is coming up as soon as they become retail........
  23. BUT one question from me.... CAN all of them do 6.1GHz?....
  24. I'll tell you if it's cheat or tweak when I go to Taiwan and find Coolaler (if he shows up)...
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