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Everything posted by hipro5

  1. I just can't find how to see the WRs of single cards and multi cards! I mean that I want to see the OLD WAY of looking, were on top were the single cards and down were the multi cards...
  2. I - personaly - FIRSTLY save a screenshot from the bench and AFTERWARDS I save the benchmark's file...... Ask k|ngp|n and Shamino when they came to Athens to bench together, what they show when we took the 2k6 WR.... Lately, I've uploaded 1 or 2 validated links BUT I did that because it wasn't worthing the whole bench and I was just run it low - so I didn't screen capture anything (ain't) worth it.... Lately YES it's "common" NOT to upload a screenshot in TOP20, a "fashion" that Vince has started... To be honest, yes it's prefairable to FAST-SAVE the 3DMark file during a WR, than try to screencupture everything... Though I prefair the screen cupture MORE than the validated link....
  3. None has seen it's REAL clocks yet... This week I'll upload the final scores because the ones you have seen, were only some testings to find out how it works and to "learn" the cpu and the mobo ... That's the spirit...
  4. Ooopppsss....Sorry, I haven't noticed that.... I uploaded my newer one now... P.S. I'll smack your arsses if you ever again call me "old" you pervers....
  5. I believe Kevin (yes he has change growing up - we all did) and I'm asking sorry from Andre...... P.S. Andre: I'm not like you M8.....I don't care much if someone passes my scores..... PLUS that if someone of my friends (closest ones) passes my scores, I'm huppy for them too.... After all....What do you think that places/scores are?......NOTHING......Whatever comes up, goes down quickly in the speed of light....Nothing Andre....
  6. Hmmm......How about been the SAME user with TWO different nick names?..... Does anyone knows user "NickShih".... ?
  7. You know me!.... When I see the "odd" I just CAN'T shut my mouth.... May I ask something? Isn't the below benches the EXACT SAME except of the rams they used? Am I blind or something? http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=854732 http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=853323 EVEN the DESKTOP ICONS are in the EXACT SAME ORDER......! AM I blind?.... You could say: different cpu and different rams....OK yes...BUT the EXACT SAME DESKTOP ?..... At least change the order of the desktop icons before you screen capture it..... ......and we are NOT talking about USERS from DIFFERENT teams BUT for users of the SAME TEAM.... Isn't this called: "hardware sharing"? OR even better: "cheating?".... It's either the SAME user who made TWO different accounts OR a friend of his benching with HIS rig at HIS house with HIS hardware for the SAME TEAM.... EVEN if ONE of the above have happent, it is called: "Cheating" To get WHAT?....hwbot points for Taiwan?......ain't worth it man!....ain't worth it.... ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //EDIT by mod: added quote
  8. Happy B-Day M8.....
  9. NOT yet....
  10. I'm in with the "old gap" too.... When are the hwbot "invalid scores" are going to be deleted?....
  11. I think that the 225 XP Start up was well done by FM........Now look at you!..... We now all can get a high score with SSDs or with software ram....Who could tell/find the difference?.. That's all BULLS......
  12. I propably won't bench it again under these conditions M8....aint' worth it any more...
  13. Bad news indeed..... Now we have no "action" to bench PCMark..... A friend could - some years ago - do ~3500 marks in XP start up with software ramdrive.... Bad news...
  14. Here........Take it in high priority mode..... http://www.hipro-tech.com//images/hipro5/Temp/Hexuspifast.rar .
  15. I think that it's NOT FAIR for ALL OTHERS that have hited OVER 30000 to "put an hwbot score" in this bench.... ALL of them/us have benched hard to achive a score by "FM rules" AND "hwbot rules" as we did... We DIDN'T upload our 32000+ PCMarks and wait for FM to approve it you know......... We benched "by the rules"..... WHEN and IF FM approves such scores, THEN we could upload our scores to hwbot BUT NOT NOW........If you can understand what I mean.... Do you know HOW MANY have hited over 30k in the past WITHOUT "FM rules"?....MANY....BUT NONE have uploaded his score in FM or in hwbot to get points in a bench that it's NOT APPROVED YET... FAIRNESS for ALL....... IF FM approves it, THEN you can upload it......
  16. Nope.....Not yet.....Maybe alone.....
  17. Yes I will be there all the time....
  18. ........ Please.......
  19. Do we have any news on that please OR are we going to forget it and say that it never happens?...Thanks a lot..... ALSO it would be more appropriate - in my opinion only - IF the user Tapakah could upload a photo of the CPU showing ALL details of it EVEN the ones writen on the PCB of the CPU, in case that after 1 or 2 months crunching the time, he finds a good CPU that REALY does 6700MHz Super-Pi 1M and say: "hey guys did you see I was right?"...... "xxx guy that I've sent my CPU and benched it, found out that it was as I told you" For avoiding such conditions, it whould be good if we had a PHOTO of the CPU now...... Thanks a lot guys, have a nice day/evening, George.
  20. Yes I can understand that it's the user's responsibility but all those OLD scores are supposed to be CHECKED and finded OK in the past by hwbot..... Now it whould be better BEFORE any mod of the hwbot DELETES OLD scores, send them (all of the team's scores) to a mod of the team to see IF they are OK or not and provide - maybe - the newer verification links for them...... If the team mod can't provide them, them the hwbot mod could delete them..... .....and YES for a long time now I upload my scores ONLY in hwbot instead of my forum.....
  21. ....and why don't you ask so to provide the link or the updated forum link?.......Maybe our forums due to upgrade, have changed the links or something..... Here's the link of it.... http://www.thelab.gr/images/Hipro5/DOTHAN_780ES/LN2/P4C800/png/Super-Pi_1M_18.297_png.png .....if it is as you say so, then why did you blocked esdee's score (above link) with the FX57 and then when I posted that, you unblock it?..... He had a valid link..... Have you done MANY mistakes like that to MANY users from different forums till now?.... .
  22. What are you showing me now M8?......The link that you are providing above is DEAD........You have deleted the score so HOW should I know what it is?...... By guessing?....... "This entry has been deleted" I'm not special as you say.......I'm - IF NOT THE ONLY ONE - the one that provides the MOST of ALL others within my scores......
  23. You have unbock it NOW......AFTER my post......No?....
  24. LIKE this http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=617629 bench which was done on ~ 06-04-06 AND you have DELETED IT JUST LIKE THAT !!......... Do you know how MUCH EFFORT did it take to do those benches?...... PLEASE IF you're in a hurry when deleting/blocking OLD resaults, DON'T do it yourself....... LET another one to do it for you who can PRESS the "link to forumpost" link to SEE the ACTUAL DATE of been done and NOT the date that hwbot RE-SCANED it..... Thanks.... .
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