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Everything posted by hipro5

  1. @ TaPaKaH: about 1M SPI....It's OK if it was done with another mobo than Foxconn...but please remove to logo cuz you're "confusing" people..... About Coolaler's 1M SPI ....no other comment for now...When I go down to Taiwan, I hope that he'll be there too, to show me in person the 0.2s gain he always gets from others at ~ same frequency in SPI 1M...OR will he avoid me (as he and his friend do!)?
  2. His previews resaults was made with the Foxconn (as he described).... This one has a QUANTUM FORCE logo...... If he made it with another mobo (which whould be OK with an older bios which is not "seeing" the CPU right, it IS possible), then WHY he puts the QUANTUM FORCE logo on it.....This is a LIE into my eyes..... You can't bench with a company and put other company's logo onto your screenshots...... This is NOT ethical.....It's a LIE for me and that's the way it goes..... Write down ASUS.....NOT Foxconn...... By "manipulating" EVEN the final resault, what do you expect to gain?.... http://forums.techpowerup.com/showthread.php?t=21807 http://www.eoz.lv/forum/showpost.php?p=77242&postcount=175 http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?t=126554 People seems to forget, but at least I don't..... .
  3. THAT'S the MOST complex thing about hwbot..... There is no way of proving anything..... It's only about believing..... The cheaters will be cought from time to time even if they are clever..... Problem is that the cheaters SHOULDN'T come back here at hwbot EVEN after a year's time..... P.S. Coolaler's SPI 1M is fake...... Tapakah's SPI 1M with the FOXCONN mobo is NO WAY.... (I've benched with it at 6150MHz and I know).... .....and so many others...... well that's life in the benching world....
  4. Are you get payed by the guys of Futuremark or NVIDIA to say these words?........ P.S. US overclockers RULE the 3D industry......The VGAs come to US firstly and then to the gamers....IF WE say bad words (for example) about a VGA, do you think that the gamers will buy it?..... ALL review sites have nowadays overclockers and then gamers to review the VGAs.........
  5. Scratching my head for two days now to find out what's right and what's wrong with everything about sharing hardware..... According to the rules (PLUS with past discussions) a "UNIQUE CPU - THE EXACT SAME - " (for example), CAN be benched by TOO MANY people and upload their 2D resaults IF AND ONLY IF THEY BELONG TO A DIFFERENT TEAM For example: If I have a CPU and bench 2Ds and then I give it to a member of TEAM OCX, then ONLY ONE member of them CAN upload 2D resaults with it and NONE ELSE BETWEEN the team..... Now if SF3D and the other guy ARE in the SAME TEAM, this was NOT OK.....BUT IF they BELONG to DIFFERENT TEAMS, it IS OK EVEN if they benched the EXACT SAME DAY..... MY problem is that the first 20 of each 3D benchie MUST upload a valid ORB link........ P.S. Coolaler's SPI 1M is fake.....
  6. Then why did you deleted gprhellas' points from wPrime bench he had uploaded a week ago, when it was lebeled as "invalid" due to hwbot problems?.....
  7. According to this: * use the online submission function of wPrime, with a valid checksum, for top 20 scores ...........hwbot guys MUST REMOVE ALL "invalid" wPrime scores (32M and 1024M) at least from TOP 20.....No?.....IF not, then for WHOM those rules are made?...... .
  8. OK.........Thanks guys for the hands up........
  9. I'll tell gprhellas to test it cuz I don't have much time to bench lately.....Or I'll do a test at 3GHz to see if it's OK..... Thanks richba5tard.....
  10. Which means?....... ......cuz a month ago I wasn't getting those "checksum errors" as you say........
  11. Yes 1.55.....The one I had a month or so ago and the one I've downloaded a couple of days ago..... SAME thing..... Something has happen to your site within this month.......
  12. What's going on with this benchie?...... I was benching it a month ago or so and everything was fine (well I could say fine DISPITE the thing that when you submit it online because you CAN'T save it and submit it afterwards - you get a wrong - and DISPITE that you HAVE to put MUNUAL some things in it AFTER you have submit it online)..... A couple of days ago, I re-ran it and I got an "INVALID" score...... I used the EXACT SAME setup and the same HD ......... I HAVEN'T touched anything in my HD since then........I got a month ago a valid bench and now NOT?..... I then RE-DOWNLOAD it from the site...I re-ran it and I got AGAIN that "INVALID" crap..... I then told gprhellas to run it......He ALSO got an "INVALID" score.....He ALSO re-download it and re-run it and re-got an "INVALID" score..... Are we going to be serius some time with this benchie or not?..... WTF is going on with it?.... Shall we keep benching it OR leave it away?.... Shall we spent our hours and our money (electricity/LN2/etc) with it or shall we QUIT it?....... Is it SO BUGGY?...... I'm all ears.....
  13. May I ask something?........ When No_Name came after me, you wrote a whole article about it right?....... Now that Pro is second and passed over me, will you write something about it too, or not?....... cuz Pro is benching REAL HARD a LOT of time (days/months) and he's not a "falling star".........
  14. CONGRATS to Pro........... :nana: Thanks George_o/c.....
  15. That's the spirt M8..... Keep on pushing it (Oliver's ©).....
  16. You're a good bencher M8.......... Things for you are gonna "flow easier" in the near future as for the hardware support..... It's just that it takes some time.......Be patient and you will be reward....
  17. For the time been, I'm just ........... "collecting" WRs...... I'll upload ALL off them when the time comes.........
  18. Congrats guys..... I see you give a "fight" there.........May the force be with you.... (I think that this phrase is from a movie.... ) Keep on.......... .
  19. use PM if you have issues with your score.
  20. Yes I can understand about the ban and I respect it..... Yeap......Let's bench.....
  21. Heh, heh, heh..........This was my FIRST ban EVER....... I haven't been banned any other time since.........Internet show up.... Thanks jmlike for that......I will remember that..... I have said before and I will say it once again......I don't care about hwbot points.....Is that clear?..... Whould you like me NOT to upload ANY OTHER (Newer) scores of mine here in hwbot?....OK......I can do that if that counts to you..... @ dinos: Yes I will have some GX2 runs BUT NOT like all others.....When the time comes, I will upload BOTH CrossFireX and Single 9800GX2 runs..... .
  22. a. Different CPU......MY CPU was MAXED OUT at that frequency (because my "good one" has died.... So I HAD to push it TOO much to match with gprhellas' score... b. Different motherboard....I had TWO FOXCONNs BlackOps (ask Samino) and I gave one to gprhellas.... c. Differrent VGAs....I have Reference ATI from macci, ASUS, and Shaphire...ALL of them work ~ 980 - 999MHz core after mods.... d. Different PSU.. I have my BETA 1200Watts hipro-tech PSU and gprhellas and some others have BOUGHT those PSUs from PLAISIO Computers: http://www.plaisio.gr/product.aspx?catalog=20&category=69977705&product=1038982 .....and finally Yes, I told some 2k3 basic tweaks for Vista to gprhellas....
  23. @ SF3D: As you can read at my FIRST post, I NEVER accuse you or so.... I was only asking (questionmark) because things with these 9800GX2s are looking odd sometimes ......So NO accusement at all.... IF I wanted to accuse you I could have writen: "You cheated S3DF because....blah, blah, blah".... @ harleybro: That was the answer I whould like to get and NOT like jmke's who accually seems to hate me or so.... @ jmke: You're an arsshole man..... ....go and find a woman/girl to get laid and clear your brain a bit... IF you don't know it, it does good to brain....
  24. OK......I'll test exact same CPU frequency and exact same VGA frequency and I'll see..... It seems too high for me at least Nature score for only 2 x 810MHz GPU....
  25. Was this done with MIPMAPS involved...... http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=716510 CH = HIGH NATURE = VERY HIGH.... Thanks.....
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