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Everything posted by placid

  1. @Pieter-Jan Plaisier : here is @Jerre : my picture size only 120kb JPG, I think not too big.
  2. I can't submit my AX78 score, after submit this message appears : "Oops. Something went wrong. We could blame this on you but it's most likely our crappy coding skills. You could try again or nudge our developpers for fixing this." Is this happen because Abit AX78 not in list yet?
  3. Well done... perfect number , congrats
  4. I know.. Poland's score will be very impresive. Congrats
  5. perfect score, the lucky number.. 30000
  6. katanya kuliah.. kok nge LN lagi hehehehe.. gud job ai lek it
  7. http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=4206513
  8. My hardware point before is 700 points drop to 240 points :-?
  9. hey.. u still can use SetFSB to overclock it
  10. C1E Enable, Intel Speedstep Enable : It's make lower multiplier when idle
  11. Is the competition for XtremeSystems member only?
  12. Hey.. where is socket 754 ? I only have this one
  13. It's nice to help people in Japan with this competition
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