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Everything posted by Amir-Az-Iran-Busheher

  1. you monsterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you pro for ever i likeeeeeeeee it good nice wonderfull staytuned
  2. thanks you pro i like pro

  3. again pls sory pls if if if can i can join to your friends list

  4. hi man i hope you stay tuned my ask------

    i have Q8400 Quad 2.67pls help to me for adjust voltaj for my cpu best voltaj what??for 3000.00 GHz what need voltaj for 2.67 to 3.00 GHz my ram patriot 1333 2T....MB Foxconn P43AP

  5. nice man you pro in your in job i hope you submit beter scoore in site!!!
  6. hi my friend you nice overer clock ....i some one ask... i can over clock mu cpu Q8400 Quad 2.67 in windows.i have foxconn P45 i can over my cpu in over clock software in windows???or only in bios and restart my computer???i wate
  7. hi my friend you nice overer clock ....i some one ask... i can over clock mu cpu Q8400 Quad 2.67 in windows.i have foxconn P45 i can over my cpu in over clock software in windows???or only in bios and restart my computer???i wate
  8. hi my friend you nice overer clock ....i some one ask... i can over clock mu cpu Q8400 Quad 2.67 in windows.i have foxconn P45 i can over my cpu in over clock software in windows???or only in bios and restart my computer???i wate
  9. hi my friend you nice overer clock ....i some one ask... i can over clock mu cpu Q8400 Quad 2.67 in windows.i have foxconn P45 i can over my cpu in over clock software in windows???or only in bios and restart my computer???i wate
  10. nice you god hey what are doing whit your cpu
  11. ohhhhhhhhhhh god what is this im die now coming her and get up me
  12. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes it is it nice man you superior man
  13. عزیز مگه سی پی یو من چه جوری که همش می گی می فروشی مگه این سی پی یو پیه اینکه مالی نیستش

  14. سلام من دقیقا نمی فهمم منظورت چیه ولتاژ مگه چه جوری پیشت مگه رکورد دارش چه ولتاژه و سرعت داده به این سی پی یو.ببخشید منظورت از خرید سی پی یو من چیه شوخی می کنی یا دست می دازی عزیز.مگه برای 2900 مگا هرتز په ولتاژی نیازه .....شما برای این 3900 چه ولتازی دادی متشکزم از باردیدت

  15. salam komak mikhastam:::::::tanzimat pifast baya che jory bashe ne midonam rahenmaie kon ///////// kodom gozineh bray bench bayad tanzim kard
  16. nice nice very good i only like nvidia geforce
  17. good work gammer i like your job nice job we can up and up IRAN in world record......nice nice
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