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Everything posted by sburnolo

  1. hai tolto il freno a mano è....mannaggia sei distratto
  2. Sorry if I allow myself, but maybe it's better if you read some reviews. Also pro intel reviews are ok if you prefer.;)
  3. Great work but .... 500 mhz more to have the same performance as ryzenfall? Ouch ouch
  4. I understand however than to make correct rules is not easy, since you have to avoid that someone uses HW not admitted or prepare the bench ahead of time without penalizing the final result.Would be impossible to use normal regulations.
  5. For example, I was forced to open the cpuz screens before, leaving them in the background to do the bench and then save. In another way I had either freeze or reboot.
  6. You're right after so much trouble complete the bench successfully and then the system crashes when you open cpuz.And the problem concerns more than anything else the old hw, otherwise someone would have already taken action.
  7. Also I did not read the rules well and I thought the screenshot of the frequency was enough with the margin of error in percentage compared to the validate that I do not remember now. The motherboard used and the ram in theory are already seen in the validate so cheating is not possible.
  8. io lo dico per te a me non ne viene niente ma finisci che fai lavoro per niente e da un giorno all altro ti contestano tutto.per non sbagliare guarda le regole bench per bench
  9. Non solo si deve anche vedere lo score nella classifica in basso a sx.Cosi' comunque non hai fatto nessun tentativo di rendere visibile l immagine.Han già detto piu' e piu' volte che al massimo passano giusto un angolino coperto.
  10. lo screen è irregolare si deve vedere la maggior parte del rendering.Se la risoluzione monitor non lo permette non si puo' benchare.Casomai togli lo screen mb che non è necessario.
  11. Peccato sto bench sia finito nel dimenticatoio...
  12. finalmente una cpu come si deve;)
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