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Everything posted by lilchronic

  1. yes i did i had 10 point's at the end of the first Bi week
  2. here: http://hwbot.org/submission/2666103_
  3. So i had the highest score for the first Bi week for 3dmark fire strike x99??? why does it say ( 3DMark Fire Strike 1xGPU 1st Bi-Week Winner not available due to no score was submitted during the first two weeks of the competition.) thats lame as heck i submitted a score the first week and thought the entire time i had the best score for that first bi week
  4. SOLD please delete
  5. $675 shipped US48
  6. Price: $700USD shipped US48 Payment: paypal LINK: http://www.evga.com/Products/Product.aspx?pn=03G-P4-3888-KR overclocked to 1555Mhz on water http://cdn.overclock.net/1/11/116281a3_valley_2014_02_14_04_34_07_430.jpeg
  7. L319B929 - 4.7ghz @ 1.3v - dead L345B842 - 4.6Ghz @ 1.4v
  8. anyone have info on this batch# ?? Batch#L319B929 4770k
  9. 4770k batch# L310B507 4.6Ghz @ 1.375v - xtu - aida64 - Bf4 stable
  10. sold
  11. Batch # 3332B372 - 4.7Ghz @ 1.375v - stock vcore - 1.023v Batch # 3333C396 - 4.6Ghz @ 1.375v - stock vcore - 1.053v Batch # L310B507 - not here yet hope it's good
  12. i have for sale a delidded 4770k 4.8ghz @ 1.45v http://cdn.overclock.net/a/a2/900x900px-LL-a20025bb_P2080816.jpeg http://cdn.overclock.net/1/1f/900x900px-LL-1f9e13d2_P2140826.jpeg $250.00 USD shipped US48 will ship else where but you have to cover shipping payment method paypal
  13. pm'd but kinda late i think ?
  14. i want to buy a good overclocking 4770k would like 5ghz 1.2 -1.4v max please and thanks
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