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Everything posted by lilchronic

  1. No i got it working i just cant install graphics drivers. Xp will not detect pci
  2. I would but i don't have such crappy low end GPU's. lol jk 780Ti not allowed so i cant really compete in the div 2. And i cant get windows xp to work with x99 for 3dm01 only on z170 it works.
  3. So what if one wanted to use a i5 for one or two benchmarks.
  4. I hope so too.
  5. Awesome. Thank you. now if i can just hit the target in the next 30min before i have to go.
  6. Uh whats wrong with the target score not being updated? Its open to submit scores but no target to hit. Target score should be updated immediately after the previous stage ends.
  7. Are we not allowed to use windows 10 for Geekbench submissions in this competition?
  8. "Under ln2 without Delid running XTU we are going postive temps at -145c hits 20c loaded." What about after delid what were the temps like for LN2, did you still hit positive temps ?
  9. cmon guy's please tell me your secrets for getting these high xtu scores. lolz ive been running xtu for days on end and cant get over 1859. My cpu wont even run default settings anymore ive punished it so much. lol foreal c3, c6 and c7 need to be disabled for it to run defaults
  10. For stage one CPU-z can not read over 4001.0 Mhz correct ? I read the post's above but not sure i understand. Rules state 4001Mhz or less
  11. man evey time i get a score of 1667 and 1669 xtu reads it at 4.01Ghz+, i dont get it .
  12. then again maybe im wrong, idk was comparing pho5ph0ric run and he was only a 4ghz im at 4.6 and only 150 behind him aswell as on the gou test roughly 150 points
  13. 8 core is defently guna pull away from the six cores in firestrike.
  14. also there's a handicap for xtu for 6-8 cores but not for the other benchmarks. Why not ?
  15. Dang forgot the gpu-z sensor tab....... but it's still reporting the correct clocks.
  16. How exactly do i " try to beat ChentinoX's score of 1314 marks. " What score am i supposed to beat him with ????
  17. antec PSU sold price drop on pot
  18. BNIB Antec HCP-850 Platinum 115$ shipped US48 - SOLD http://cdn.overclock.net/3/37/37882c18_P1281133.jpeg DimasTech ECO Pot V2.0 100$ shipped US48 http://cdn.overclock.net/6/65/65a666d9_P1281130.jpeg
  19. preferably a FAT gpu pot
  20. Looking to pick up a GPU Pot for DICE / LN2. Let me know what you got.
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