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Everything posted by turbobooster

  1. oke currently did some stress testing, itb max settings, 4.5ghz 1.250v gone leave it at that thanks guys
  2. So if you guys look on this picture, all looks oke?
  3. oke so the VID in hwinfo is 1.135 currently i,m running at 4.2ghz with a vcore set in bios of 1.240v so what does the vid means then?
  4. the default voltage on my bord is 1.30v so. And yesd i like to overclock, depending on what cooler i have, but totally unformelir with skylake, and not having a bord to max the cpu i whant it at a overclock for 24/7 not for benching
  5. I,m not trying to go higher, i find 4.7ghz enough and that 100mhz extra with much more vcore is not word it. just wanted to no if the voltage for 4.7ghz is safe for 24/7 use, not on adeptive but all the time, so below 1.4v is no problem/ thx for your answer. only did a superpi test at 4.9ghz with 1.4v set in bios
  6. I See a lot of tutorials about overclocking your cpu on motherbords from the extreme versions, like rog bords, msi gaming 5/7 and hiher, but are there also tutorials about like in my case a msi gaming pro motherbord.
  7. Hello guys, i have a 6600k with a cooler master hyper 212 evo. My question is the following, what is a safe voltage to set to let your cpu run on 24/7. I know it mostly deppends what temps you get, at 4.7ghz with a vcore set in bios at 1.330v and after running intel burn test at high setting i get a temp of the highest core of 75 degrees celsius, but the ambient temp is around 18 degrees, so i will expect that it goes i bit higher in the summer, but is the voltage safe to let it run on for 24/7 and are the temps oke
  8. 4.3ghz was the max, so why is yours saying 4.6ghz
  9. dont now if its stable, dont now if the vcore can go lower. just put in bios 1.4v and started at 35x133 (4.67) that give my a bluescreen, after that i put 34x133 in and it work, so mayby after some tweaking and different settings it can by stable, but dont now alot about tweaking this board.
  10. Hello guys i dont now much about overclocking a 1366 socket, but i just whant to now i did a max Multi test just using the multiplier and just on 1.4v, i came till 4.5 is that good??? cpu i7 975 extreme
  11. Hello i dont now if this is in the right section, but i would like to no why i cant not submit a score from a benchmark, it wont show a i7 975
  12. I can back it up, I know for sure it can, I had that cpu, and it will do 5.1 with now problem at all, under water.
  13. yes it wont start then.
  14. oke i have a quastion and i dont know if i,m in the wright forum. i want to see if this prossesor goes a bit higher or at 4.2 but temps lower. this is the setting i use for 4.2 Multi 21 Bclk 200 QPI x36 System Memory op x8 (1600Mhz) UnCore op x16 (3200) of x17 (3400) QPI volts op 1.355v and cpu vcore at 1.4 turbo of llc level 2 cie enable c state enable i get temps after 20 runs linx64 77 degrees my motherbord is a gigabyte x58a-ud7 rev 2,0 cooling h100
  15. a oke, start with extreme haha. thanks.
  16. just like the title says, can you ad this one. its not in the list so now i can,t submit scores.
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