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Posts posted by Doug2507

  1. Load of spare gpu's.


    Price includes shipping within UK only.


    Payment by paypal or bank transfer, whatever suits you best. If by paypal then must be as gift or cover the fee.


    All prices in Pounds.




    x3 MSI GTX 460 Hawk Talon Attack - 45 - 1 left

    x1 Gigabyte GTX 460 SOC - 40

    x1 ASUS GTX 560Ti DCU2 TOP - 40

    x1 ASUS GTX 580 Matrix Platinum Average clocker - 75

    x1 ASUS GTX 580 Matrix Platinum v.good clocker (980 core 06 1150mv, air/stock) - 85



    Matrix were tested in house, closed windows, heating at 22deg, either OCF or xpower z170 (cant remember which board i used)

  2. I cannot understand the reasoning behind this post.



    Do you give all your tweaks away & make them available to everyone.?



    Edit:- I agree with Bassplayer.

    Maybe the mods should verify it.


    Re-read my post (and newlife), I wasn't asking for this to be made public, only for mods to confirm the legitimacy of the submission in accordance with the benchmark rules, which when everyone is competing using the same rules / playing field is a pretty fair ask imo.


    When a score is submitted and clock for clock is hugely different from the norm, and by norm i mean what is regarded as max efficiency subs, it does pose the question as to how the score was achieved.


    Wasn't long ago somebody questioned Vince about a sub, simple answer was gpu bios, cool, no worries and congrats on the score. Doesn't need a public spectacle, mods can do this behind closed doors.


    CPU score isn't an issue, well in keeping with other. GPU score is pretty mental though but i've just looked and noticed it's EVGA so could well be down to gpu bios. If its that simple then cool, i'm off to the EVGA store... ;)

  3. From 16 sticks, all tested on xpower, 3733 12 1t, 32m win 10, vdimm ranged from 1.65v-1.82v (dmm). Majority around 1.7v, the 1.82v stick was an oddball.


    Can't run 4k, 99.9% sure IMC limitation on current chip.


    On 6320 i could run 3950 11 xtu no problem (OCF). 3866 1t boot was no problem hence why i'm sure the 6700 thats in now has a lousy IMC.

  4. Sounds the same as I've had. 1st time round did 3400c11 @ 1.5v no problem. Restart and no boot then just went downhill from there on out.


    Did try manual rtl but made no difference. Guess I've just been unlucky and ended up with a picky board... :(

  5. Coolio. Was about ready to chuck the board out of the window last night after spending the day prepping for cold!


    Boards in the wash now to rule out vas issues. I'll check on champ and have another chip I can test with as well.


    Only ran the board once before and that was on cold to test this chip. Had to end session early due to constant debug. That was with your hyperx set to 3k. Could well be imc but at least changing from 1801 to 1701 seems to have sorted debug headaches.


    I've heard not all rve are created equally and some are picky with mem when pushed. I'll rule that out with champ and other cpu.


    Hell of a tune on mem there Alex!

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