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Posts posted by Doug2507

  1. Ah. Ok. Already have gpu tweak installed and when I ran the tools one it was older version so didn't proceed. Perfect!


    Seems you cant unlock Shader anyway. Don't know how but had it in my head dan had unlocked Shader for 06 sub. Just checked and still linked. Also msi! Epic fail on my part!

  2. What did you do with the gpu tweak bat file?


    1300 mem v.good. my best so far but in 06 is 1250+. I'll need to try lower vmem. Wonder if cold bios has different mem timings allowing for higher mem clock....I'll test today.

  3. Not flashed bios yet as just binning cards.


    Did you get shader unlock in nvi or ab after flash?


    I did try flashing .bat using that hack app but nothing changed. (Need bios flash also?)


    I've not had stock coolers off yet to check mem ic but just set 1.85 for binning mem. I'll need to revisit at lower v if sammy as they might do better with a little less.


    Gather the cold bios is the one to use but what are the rest for?


    Binned using 1150mv through software. Cards ranging from 980-1k+ core so far. :) (06)

  4. May as well start using this shiny new section!


    580 matrix plat.


    Don't really want to use gpu tweak as I've been warned of it killing cards.


    Nvi has core greyed out but can easy set in ab. Shader is linked though with no option to unlink. On 420 ab but can't remember if previous (2.2.3?) has Shader unlink? ?


    Vmem. Alternative to gpu tweak for mem volts or hard mod? Or just flash firmware? (Looks like 3 options for vmem flash in rog tools although not sure if I want it fixed v)


    And the rog bios set. Gather only one to use is the cold bios? There's a load of others something like m2xxx and c2xxx. Not sure what they are.

  5. I was the same on 6320. Also set same volts.


    Both ocf and xpower I can't bin single at 3733 1t, tested both slots. Dual no problem but single always kmode or equivalent bsod. That's on 6700 though. Will have another chip this week to cross check on.


    Should also have 4k capable board this week. :)

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