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Everything posted by NATA 58

  1. problem was bios f4 works
  2. I have tried various bios. many different processors. but win7 works at the minimum frequency
  3. I use the latest bios. for 14900ks
  4. I have problems with windows 7. whatever frequency you set the processor gets stuck at 3.2 ghz thanks for the help
  5. I have problems with windows 7. whatever frequency you set the processor gets stuck at 3.2 ghz thanks for the help
  6. unable to manually load result files
  7. per hour you need to check all the tests sent
  8. no one respects the rules. And isn't it better to remove them at this point?
  9. ECC video memory read the rules for rtx 4090 and take the test again Disabled
  10. (nVIDIA RTX4090 cards must use ECC enabled) read the rules please
  11. is tri crossfire possible? what drivers?
  12. Please read the regulations regarding RTX 4090 cards and do the test again
  13. ECC video memory enabled in nvidia control panel. that is the question
  14. https://hwbot.org/rules?referenceId=5277 read the rules please
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