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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. Translated in plain English - I hear what you are saying but f%*k you and the 78% of the horses you rode in on - LOL


    PJ, we dont know each other personally, so this isnt meant to be a personal attack.


    I think it is great that you (and your team) give so much time and energy to keep HWBOT moving forward. I definitely admire and respect what you have done. The site brings out the competitive nature in so many people at different levels, chasing a multitude of results to be called "number one" and this is what we all love.


    You say that this is a community - but I dont understand how you can say that with the path we are on (which is your way or the highway). Look at the people that are voting against this, these are some of the sites strongest contributors. Even if not everyone is speaking up that is for the idea, you would still have, more than 50% of your key followers saying they are not happy with this. This sort of "customer attitude" (or community / stakeholder attitude if you prefer) wouldnt last too long in the commercial world.


    If you take this type of stance in a business, you had better be sure that you are right - because generally there are only two outcomes that I have seen in life (and I am an old fart)....


    You will either be lucky and retain a level of business more or less similar to what you have today (new players less all the stakeholders that leave you) but may have an issue with the overall quality or standard of what you achieve.


    The other potential outcome is that you will crash and burn because the new people will never make up what has been lost in the process.


    Sorry man - I cant see how you think this is a step forward - but in the end it looks like its your call and we all live with the results.....after 3 rounds it may be difficult to go back.....

    My mate Pete says some wise things here. You guys should pay attention to the words of someone who is probably one of the more successful yet one of the most humble people I've met in my lifetime. Bit of wisdom from someone who knows what they are talking about should never go astray!

  2. Thanks for the kind worlds vince but there is no will in TeamAU so probably no way to do something like this. If it was a Pro Cup season I reckon boys would be all over it but full time comp schedule is hard to stomach and do right... F1OC had a crap ending and it would be nice to have a crack at something like that again for sure.....just seasonal like every other sport on the planet


    there's this invention called tooth floss bro, look it up :D

  3. HWBOT made it official and announced they will no longer support F1OC. That decision murdered the comp. XS pulling out later was just a knee jerk reaction. You and I and a 50% of others continued to support the comp because we COMMITTED to it. I don't want to commit to something that I cannot commit to properly personally nor my team so where does that leave us...You haven't planned that part out whether purposefully or accidentally i don't know. It turns out we are not the only ones either!


    Let me quote a mate of mine after that announcement was made


    k|ngp|n - Losing hwbot support is not the right path to go here. The bot is the glue that binds
  4. Team.AU is to the Pro OC Cup what Sacha35 was to F1OC :D.


    WTF man, thanks for lumping us in the same category as that jackass who never had any intention of joining F1OC and every intention to see it through to its failure at every step of the way. This is very childish and there is nothing personal about our concerns so I do not think you need a reason to try reciprocate!



    Talk about fall of F1OC, don't forget that HWBOT was also the catalyst in actually killing F1OC well and proper because you felt you deserved more reward for the work you were putting into it. That's all fair enough but at some point you decided it didn't make business sense to support something that is trying to be independent of HWBOT even though it was probably going to be beneficial to the community as a whole and HWBOT was in a prime position to benefit as it was the breathing ground for up and coming talent. There was other reasons but that was the core reason. You gave up on the idea BEFORE the season finished remember, now you are trying to stick it out with a poor idea and you will have to work really hard at it to get it to work and you don't have to. That's what the community is telling you.


    Here is what the community is saying and I will also highlight that it's in great majority. You need to look at this and tweak your idea a bit better...






    The reason for this is nothing more than the fact this current Pro Cup is a backward step to F1OC and while it might eventually turn into something purely due to persistence and hopefully maybe financial backing from healthier sponsorships and I hope it does for the sake of the community, I just think you are going about it the wrong way. Community priorities should take precedent to any of the sponsors or some blind idea you have you can make a miracle out of an obscure hobby. I am not saying popular opinion is always right but poor decision making also needs to allow for some flexibility.


    We criticise you (HWBOT) because you are the voice of the community, now act like it!


    I certainly must have the wrong idea about Team.AU and its support for the Cup. Perhaps I was fooled and mislead by the tirades and phrases written down in this thread as well as some of the somewhat interesting actions outside the realms of this forum. Maybe my paranoid nature has me put question marks to statements that do not deserve such punctuation.


    If you have an issue with us all you have to do is contact us and have a civilised discussion, I'm not happy about you trying to make it into a personal stink fight because it isn't one at all!

  5. so Pieter, obviously the rules for entering the overclockers league will change now right?


    Team.AU doesnt have the time or resources to compete in the new Pro OC cup and we use engineering sample hardware, so will this be opened up and if so what are the implications for all the oc league guys? Or have we been discarded from HWBOT as a result of this Pro OC cup,


    need an answer here please

  6. Competitions are not the same as freestyle OC. In competitions you have to work harder to bench and get ready for all out benching and you usually have to rebench multiple times due to several factors which include driver changes, new tweaks, big scores from competitors etc. We've done this before and it requires a lot of work to get right. We dont want to join comps just to participate. You are bound by a time frame which puts extra pressure to do things within the timeframe rather than whenever you really had something in mind.

  7. Ironically, the way Team.AU is formed is pretty solid for this type of competition. A pity you guys won't join, but for others it's a good example for how to form a team.


    Ironically, that should be telling you something about R5.



    Well something has to change, is so stale here now. Why dont we give something new a chance? Because the old is getting old IMO


    agree and i have suggested an alternative which i thought was being implemented in first place as we've been talking about this for a long time and even went ahead and formed a Team.AU in anticipation of this

  8. Pro OC league should not be what you want to try make mainstream most effectively if you really want to boost OC scene, it should be a more general section but even that section will find this change too drastic. Same as P55 that was never going to take 3D01, it was too mainstream at the time also. Pro OC league can definitely contribute and nothing wrong with F1OC style competition but you need to introduce a seasonal comp for pros and whatever you want to do as far as more drastic changes you have to make the changes more gradual or you could alienate whatever pro community you have right now.

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