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Posts posted by dinos22


    You are right, this is definitely going ahead. Of course I'm still interested in hearing opinions on how to make the Cup more interesting :).


    I. C.


    good luck with that i guess, not sure we will do any comps to be honest as the boys are not happy with the change and lack of flexibility

  2. OC seems pretty active in my neck of the woods but there is a lot of discontent the way HWBOT runs things and a lot of the things revolve around local forum stuff. I hear things like hwbot is making OC stale and running it into the ground, forgetting this is a community activity and something FUN. I can kinda see where they are coming from particularly with the latest revision...

  3. 3DMark01: at global level, a bencher watches "999" for 6 tests and Chase High..... then hopes for the best at the end when the score comes up. It's not interesting to watch, it's 12 years old, newcomers won't understand why there's so much emphasis on such an old bench......that only runs well on an OS that was replaced 5 years ago. It's hard to bench in front of an audience because there's nothing to watch and there's every chance they'll look at the LOD and think "cheat." It's CPU-dependent and ORB verification has been dropped. A .jpg image is all that sets the noobs apart from the pros. IMO.... and I know a LOT of people will disagree..... at practical level, it is time for this benchmark to very slowly start moving out of the light.


    What sets it apart from others is that level of tweaking and system tuning you cannot do on any other benchmark. While you are right about it scaling with CPU frequency there is certainly a hell of a lot of play to be able to nudge people out with higher clocking hardware if you know what you're doing. It is a time consuming benchmark and probably more frustrating than most others but there is absolutely nothing that is able to replace it. You remove that and you have yourself a bunch of click and run benchmarks.


    If anything your sentiment probably applies more to something like 3DMARK05 which is way more CPU dependent than most benchmarks and you are only looking to get a lucky run for max frames without a great deal of skill involved. On the flip side it has a nice gain from tweaking system but yeah still nothing too exciting. Same with 3DMARK03 if you want to go that way and probably 06 as well.


    I also reckon some of the newer 3DMARK benchmarks should get a cull before 01 is touched. I'd personally also drop Vantage before others as whatever new comes out is another "vantage" more or less. Keeping a couple of latest benchmarks is also fair enough as that's what tends to always get most interest because of the novelty users.


    Unigine is now scaling with CPU as well but at the same time it's stupidly long, has very little tweakability, it's only there because we have bugger all alternatives to Futuremark. Same can probably be said about Aquamark as far as lack of alternatives and why we still hang onto it, even though on the tweakability side of things it is certainly better.

  4. hi massman, i did read your full post before making my comments. I was just saying it would probably be good to expand on that example with a timeframe based schedule and examples of points systems and in and out workings of the comp.


    on the note of tennis or golf tournaments i know how it works but what i think you need to be mindful is to introduce gradual change. It will have to take some time before it reaches a proper tennis ATP style tour comp if that is what you have in mind. You can alienate the community by showing too drastic a change.

  5. massman i think you should make a full draft season and show an actual example of it so that it can be easier to understand the concept. it will help fine tune the concept I think


    There are a lot of good ideas there. One thing i know will be a definite deal breaker for TeamAU is a season that lasts the whole year even though it's broken up in to 4 3month stints. It's not a good idea imo. A season should be just that, a season with one big comp per year or two smaller ones (spring/autumn 2 month seasons) or a single 3 month season and then the normal competition/rankings resume. We could use the rankings from Pro Season to add to the ranking of Pro/XOC like major tennis tournaments or golf tournaments.


    This idea will eventually find its way into local tournaments which will attract smaller prize pools (i.e. HWBOT points) but draw in less experienced crowds todays OC and competition schedule. I know in Australia we have a killer OC community that looks disjointed on HWBOT so we can localise comps like this and make local "competition legs"

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