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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. It's actually preety slow :(


    No need to guess. you will find continuity at a resistor on both sides and each of these 2 points on all 1156 boards.




    Ok here' you go.......


    clarkdale CBB mod point circled green according to pin outs.



    maybe just let the others know what is involved in doing the mod

  2. AMD OC records in terms of frequency and 2D are all done on a single core as well....the issue is that CPUz can only disaply one core at a time and if you select the core you are overclocking in CPuz it looks like you are on one only.....


    my 1M record a while back on amd platform was done with the second or third core at 6.7 and the rest were at 4.5ghz hehehe

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