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Posts posted by dinos22

  1. so you think that i never benched in public lol and have no experience in benching :confused:


    tapakah has at least 5xcomponents with him still that will very easily prove the legitimacy of his scores. I didnt say he had to do the same scores...not at all...but with such great pieces of hardware he should easily be able to show their potential...very easily...as its not just one piece of hardware but many....surely at least one of them will be able to do the clocks/settings/frequency claimed


    surely with a few days of benching in russia and some of those components it should be pretty easily achieved


    you are the one ass-u-m-ing

  2. lol Chris upset italians


    common fellas take it easy :P:p:p:p


    still remembering that World Cup with that diving penalty against Australians arrrrrrgh :P:p:p j/k


    i've met him in person. he's not an asshole but he is giving team hardwaretest a hard time......nothing wrong with a bit of sledging....hipro5 and i do it allllll the time :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    well we just sledge i got no chance competing against him hahahah


    this is probably my favourite thread :D



    :D peace :nana:

  3. I am writing about the current wPrime 1024M World Record. The time seems unusually fast for the clocks reported in submission


    is it possible to get some more information from this score as there seems to be a huge difference between their scores and everyone elses


    top score previous to this submission was held by kingpin with CPUs at 5.6GHz dual QX9775 skulltrail. Vince's time was 1m52s


    current world record is held by leghorn and giorgoprimo with a 1m50s but at 4GHz on CPUs :eek::eek::eek::eek:


    third fastest time with skulltrail is followed by youngpro at 5.33GHz on CPUs with a time of 2m01s


    is there something i'm missing here. I know that at least in youngpros case he used Vista which is a lot faster at wprime than XP so his results should be right


    did giorgoprimo and leghorn accidentally list the wrong CPUs or speeds or something. This is really odd.


    i am obviously not saying there is any fowl play as i respect these two guys a lot but rather its either some monster tweak or some kind of mistake in submission :confused:. Decent speed skulltrail times seem to be in the 2m30s+ time zone


    personally i've benchmarked on skulltrail on air at 4.4GHz with 2m21s time




  4. hopefully you all learnt a lesson here :P


    hahah hipro on vacation i see

    i can understand his frustration with jmke72368q2341q2 or whatever the username....he does come across very rude and arrogant sometimes


    anyways >> surprised to see hipro jump the gun like this on the question of mipmaps in public.....even though it was not an accusation it does look as though you thought he used it and wanted to make a bit of a publicity stunt here :P


    PM should sort most of these things i reckon


    hipro what's going on mate

    no results with GX2 yet :D (lol question for you to answer after vacation :D)

  5. Maxi's quote does not reflect the current hwbot guidelines. 1Day is working hard in finalizing the hwbot guidelines, but in the mean time this is the rule to follow:


    - only the owner of the processor may submit scores in processor related benches

    - only the owner of the videocard may submit scores in videocard related benches


    We know these rules are not 100% waterproof, and not even fair if it's the case of sponsored hardware. We are currently discussing changes to this rule in the crew. In the mean time, please follow the old rules.



    this is unacceptable. If one of your moderators told us in public that a non-owner of hardware benching alone is able to submit results is now somehow not acceptable people have been mislead and you CANNOT penalise them now for it.


    i don't know what the story with HOT entries is and it is not my business to discuss what's right or wrong but I find your statement there unfair and until you guys sort out full guidelines it should not be the case

  6. we cannot make decisions for people

    if hipro wants to join the pink tootoo dress team with kingpin well that's his choice...


    i think it's is actually pretty hilarious to see hipro join the top team to give stick to OCX and tease them a little.......you guys are taking it way too seriously and i know hipro is a big joker


    and don't forget people hipro is the king shit overclocker around here.....have some more respect for one of the best OCers in the world

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