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Everything posted by Predator

  1. you suck abuelo
  2. Mamonazo!! me has quitado el "titulo" xDDD 31x eh lo que pasa es que mi cascade a esos clocks ya no llega (sobre todo con 2 cores), cuando tenga la buena arreglada le daré otro tiento
  3. Buenos resultado FoX! Ya tienes arreglada la cascade? Ahora dale caña al Super Pi 32M que tienes un asunto pendiente
  4. Que pasa ahi, muy mala eficiencia , he sacado 10 segundos menos a la misma velocidad ^^
  5. very nice work there man , congrats!
  6. Que va ya me quede sin LN2, como siempre he conseguido mejor puntuacion con la cascade Era porque no estaba estable yo creo y me hacia cosas raras
  7. Yo Kenny Yeah i vote for the JB @FoX, ya me acuerdo , el caso es que no se donde esta esa puñetera captura, me queda un poco de LN2 a ver si acabo con el 3D05 y el aquamark y le doy otro tiento si todo va bien....
  8. pues ahora que lo dices la computacion total deberia haber sido 14,18s , este puto pifast me ha hecho mal la suma , no me habia fijado en la puntuacion, hace tanto que no hago el pifast que no se si estaba acorde o no, pero ahora veo que algo esta mal, igual es que no era estable del todo hey Karl, yeah finally haha, i almost forgot how to bench LN2
  9. Será que he usado tu sistema operativo
  10. voted 50€
  11. the problem with splitting pros and rest is how many users are really full sponsored atm? i can only think of Hicookie
  12. this^^ very well said man
  13. i guess no one can say rev4 would be boring , if there are going to be fights, i want them in Full-HD (j/k) come on guys, cut some slack on Massman, i say give the new idea a chance, i think rbuass said run a pararell beta to see the how it goes, and then we all can decide what's the best for the community
  14. your 16k needs CDT didn't know about the sunlight tweak, i might give it a try since i always overclock overnight
  15. Orlando will never be forgotten, not in my mind i still miss him and our chats, he was an extremely nice person with big heart i'm honoured i could met him in person once
  16. i tried to edit the "messed up" sign without succed, you might need to create a new one from scracth
  17. thanks both yeah Karl i tried that but apparently didn't work, i'll try what Kal-El said right away edit: woohoo it works, thanks very much to both!!
  18. thanks man, although it seems it's not working 100% right at the moment, i tried to create a new one but it doesn't seem to apply the text where i want to any ideas?
  19. i guess it might have to do something with the new engine version, i noticed my signature got a "wash" and now it shows a white pattern all over it as you can see in my sig below it's not a problem to do a new one though but i wonder if will happen the same?
  20. oh you mean that place where the xtreme own(cheat)er lies? wrong we're in the right place to discuss about this
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