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Everything posted by ScunnyUK

  1. lol there seems to be somthing wrong with the posts ^^^ my above has disapeared! its Great isnt it RB EDIT If I go to the results page and click on the comments I see my above posts but dont see em here ???? edit2 Never mind its fixed itself:p Scunny!
  2. Oh and jefreynvv all ur screenshots have the resulation info covered Scunny!
  3. Hi I dont think there is anything wrong with this score and PhysX doesnt need to be disabled for 3D Mark 06. If Anything PP could of been used but I dont think that is the case here. I really think that your scores Jefreynnv, are very low for the hardware used! Scunny!
  4. Hi , To be honest I dont remember wether PhysX was disabled or not on this run, however PhysX doesnt need to be disabled for 3D Mark 06 , only 3D Mark Vantage. Scunny!
  5. Here are ppl gaining boints by making there quads look like dual cores> PII955 with 2 cores disabled = AthlonII x2 255> http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_ii_x2_255?tab=hall%20of%20fame PII965 with 2 cores disabled = AthlonII x2 265> http://hwbot.org/hardware/processor/athlon_ii_x2_265?tab=hall%20of%20fame Scunny!
  6. Hi, This score is way to high for the gpu clock speeds of 672/1659/480!!!> http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=907559 Look at result in second place with simula clocked cpu but gpu clocks of 926/2286/580 and his score is 2000 3d marks lower!!!> http://hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=888274 Possibly bugged run or MipMap cheat? Reported his 3Dmark05 score aswell . http://hwbot.org/listResults.do?gpuModelId=1305&applicationId=2&filterUser=true&filterBlocked=true&sli=false&limit=100 Thanks Scunny.
  7. Hi, This score is wrong> http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=800317 The result in the screenshot shows a Wprime 1024 score of 1590,028 seconds which = about 26 minutes and 30 seconds. The info he has added for the result shows 25 minutes and 9 seconds which is clearly wrong. The score needs adjusting to the correct value Thanx
  8. Looks like they probably changed team but instead of moving the scores / submitions over they have started a new account! http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=8131 http://www.hwbot.org/user.do?userId=20946 check the Aquamark score, he just took a boint off even though the ss is the same:p
  9. Another user ''Don-Dan'' has reported both scores now
  10. The 6th and 7th place is same user in different teams, description is same in both results and describes 7600gt in the 7300gt catogory. The one link to a screenshot also shows 7600gt's. Results> http://www.hwbot.org/searchResults.do?direction=&applicationId=12&teamId=0&userName=&gpu=GeForce+7300+GT+DDR3+(731)&numberOfVideocards=2&cpu=&chipset=&model=&manufacturer=&minScore=&maxScore=&gpuId=1191&cpuId=0&chipsetId=0&modelId=0&manufacturerId=0&offset=0&displayAdvanced=false&countryId=0&dateFrom=&dateUntil=&minGpuCoreFreq=&maxGpuCoreFreq=&minGpuMemFreq=&maxGpuMemFreq=&minCpuFreq=&maxCpuFreq=&system=&minTotalPoints= Gaz!
  11. Hi, Is this score a cheat?> http://www.hwbot.org/compare.do?resultId=632592 Although it may be before the date for needing GPU-Z, which it was originally moderated for, If you checkthe screenshot link and look closely the score tab shows 14206 marks but on the 3DMark 05 tab in the result part it shows 1407** where the user has tried to cover with CPU-Z memory tab ! Thanks Gaz!
  12. HeHe , what can I say!! My niece's laptop Thankyou Scunny!
  13. Ticket ID: 194 Priority: Low \r\n\r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=470878
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