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Everything posted by lukasb

  1. For lucky draw, is there any chipset limitation? Just Z boards or B & H chipset is allowed? Thanks
  2. GMorning, okay i'll try make one in couple of hours.
  3. Whoops, wrong video. Here the right one: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14xAmbEKW9Bm4s7dO9yrGTXaxHgFJfHN8/view
  4. Video - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dVGkdj_sVPhiHlaZ_guzQRbvpCj7WX9-/view
  5. Video - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dVGkdj_sVPhiHlaZ_guzQRbvpCj7WX9-/view
  6. Sorry for bumping up old thread, I need MSI P67A-GD55 Bios file, where I could download them? The download link is dead I searched in MSI web, but they're all in windows exe format & I can't boot to AHCI windows (board is on IDE mode by defaut & i can't change it without making it "stucked" in POST) Also, I have ver 4.3 right now, and the newest here is ver 1.15. Could I safely flash it to my board?
  7. already used this several months ago to boost my RPi & RPi2 score in team cup + Challanger
  8. thankyou for assisting me, Will defintely try that OFS pin. afaik, older Pentium 4 with 130nm/90nm transistor havent got Dynamic VID features, the voltage & frequency are always constant. what i forgot is, when I cover some VID pins, i don't ground them to make a "0" logic, I leave it open. Maybe the MB pulled up these pins to HIGH state as the intel rules if CPU is removed, it should make a logic VID[0:7] 11111111 [yes there's 8bit on my board, but only 6bit used in P4] and the VRM disabled. [EDIT: the ISL6336 does indeed do the pullup to logic "1" if the pins left open] Will pencil mod do?
  9. Update: just tried the VID mod (covering some VID pins on Pentium 4 511) Tried to change the VID[0:5] bit from 110010 (1.3875V, default) to 010000 (1.4625v) but, the bios still detect as a 1.3875V processor and just fed it with 1.402V. cant go more...
  10. Here it is (old photos though) The VRM controller is ISL6336. Here's the datasheet for ISL 6336 and 6336A http://www.intersil.com/content/dam/Intersil/documents/isl6/isl6336-a.pdf Will the controller accept if I mod the FB? I'm afraid that the controller have a some protiection mechanism, or it will run wonky. after quick reading the datasheet, the output voltage also can be set via the Intel VID pins up to 1.60V. Any tips how to remove the original one & how to solder it? can I tip-ex the processor pins to modify it's VID? Most likely reason that Gigabyte put the 1.4V cap is the crazy power consumption & heat on P4 i thought. Since I wont go up to 1.6V on 90nm processor, i think it maybe not a big problem.
  11. Hello guys, wanna ask about my Gigabyte LGA775 Motherboard (EP45-UD3r). The CPU Voltage capped to 1.4V when using P4's, whereas it can go up to 2V when using Core 2's What can I do? Is there any hidden menu/custom bios that allow P4 overclocking on this decent motherboard? (I've got dozens of P4 lying around to play with, but stucked with 1.4V -- you know that feels... ) a hardmod will do too. I have a quite basic understand in electronics & soldering skills, last hardmod I do was a FB mod in nvidia 8400GS, reading from the datasheet. Thank you very much. - Lukas
  12. got the same error right now when I want to submit HWBot Prime. Data file uploaded, but after I fill up the details and submit it, it goes blank with the link http://hwbot.org/submit/create
  13. you should be post your epic photos when the laptop runs the benchmark lol
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