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Posts posted by richba5tard

  1. 4 hours ago, yosarianilives said:

    Get the current rev fully working then maybe we consider updating it. When I have to recalc some subs several times (and I did extensive testing, you really have to recalc several times it's not just the server catching up to the first one) you can't say that current rev works. Most of the continuing complaints about our current rev is how much the ranking algorithm just fails to work at times or otherwise things break. People have mostly calmed down about how points are gained. You need to pick a way that points are attained and stick to it, people like to know what they need to do to get ahead without it changing all the time.

    I obviously can't get rev 7 fully working due, do I? :) Despite hundreds of automated tests, a test environment with a full production database copy, we are not able to reproduce the issues with rev7. Rankings just get fucked up on production and nobody seems to know why or how. If I can't reproduce it, and i've got 685.000 lines of 14 year old code to maintain, well guess what, I can't get it bug free. Even worse, all my spare time is spent on finding issues with the points and dozens of different rankings, I can spent time on improving other stuff. One major reason for rev7 was to free up calculation power, but in the end I had to write a tool which checks for broken rankings and repairs them, causing high load...

    I need it easier to maintain, otherwise HWBOT will never improve quality wise.

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  2. 6 minutes ago, bigblock990 said:

    I already suggested this idea, and frederick replied that he isn't interested in having different "logic" between the rankings. He wants both career and seasonal to be the same system.

    Indeed. In this case it would not be a burden on the code/maintenance, but I see it as a big drawback if the point algorithm can not be explained easily, without dozens of exceptions.

  3. 42 minutes ago, Fasttrack said:

    Would you be so kind sir to explain to me, a noob with inferior mental status, what is clear to those using HWBOT for a long time and is not clear to me ?

    Because what is more than clear, is the fact that this huge complexity ( and its maintenance ), is due to a big pile of accumulated mistakes of the past, occurring in every revision.

    Certainly the members are not responsible for that.

    Who is ? None of my business.

    Thank you.

    If "accumulated mistakes" is implementing feedback from crew and community, yes that caused a huge complexity. In current rev8 proposal i was able to remove a large chunk of this accumulated code.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Remarc said:


    in the data base has bug with Ryzen cpu 2xxx,in menu not showing all ryzen 2xxx cpu (r3 r5 r7) and when click on the main menu it get error 500...fix this issue please (i wrote you pm about it 1 month ago,but no answer)



    If we have an easier algorithm to maintain, i can actually spend some time polishing other parts of HWBOT. Please keep this on topic, not bug reports of unrelated stuff.

  5. 53 minutes ago, macsbeach98 said:

    Why cant team points go off the members all time points like it always has and not be a yearly thing.

    Personal league points can go on a yearly basis I have no problem with that.

    I dont really care about my personal points in the slightest but a lot of my team grind out team points on old hardware and spend a lot of time and effort doing it they only care about the teams position not there own and we are going to be obliterated if it changes to a yearly thing because most members dont have the money to buy all new shiny year after year.

    Yes, that is a possibility, and it is not hard to explain neither hard to implement so I'm not against it. It does mean that the team ranking is nearly static. Why not do the same as member points and have both?

  6. 12 minutes ago, ShrimpBrime said:

    How about a yearly team comp that GIVES A LARGE SUM OF POINTS that other teams would have to grind on for a while. 

    Jon aka ShrimpBrime


    Thanks for the feedback Jon, i feel your pain. It is a very reasonable suggestion competitions such as the country cup have a big impact on the team ranking. It shows skill and team participation as no other. I will take it under account!

  7. 15 minutes ago, cbjaust said:

    As for the Team Points being the sum of points for the current year, won't that lead to gaming the system by rebenching all of your hardware that gets the best scores every year plus what ever new hardware benched that gets a good score?


    If needed be we can make it part of the rules, and auto-ban people taking advantage of it. You would not want to spend moderator time on this though.

  8. 16 minutes ago, ShrimpBrime said:


    • Too much computational power? Overclock the goddamned server for ducks sake. lol. No but seriously, perhaps move the database to newer server hardware and shop for better pricing maybe? 
    • Is HWBot hurting for cash. I saw some thread about paying to lvl up your points or something. I sit in the midwest. Perhaps put up some billboard advertisements and hold some events outside the usual boxes. 

    HWBOT is not hurting for cash, and rev7 is computational wise already OK. What is not OK is that we have such a huge code base to maintain for all the specific kind of rankings, all with their own logic, all influencing each other. It's nearly impossible to keep stable with limited time to be able to spend on it and for what?

    I agree that staying on top of the team/country ranking would require yearly effort, but that is exactly the point. The team and country rankings are almost static, nothing interesting going on. If you reset yearly at least there is a yearly fight for the top.

    We can do the same for teams as for members though: show both a seasonal as an all-time ranking.

    Team and country can also be based on top xxx members, instead of all. That is not too complex to explain.

  9. 6 hours ago, FireKillerGR said:

    Adapting focus to new revision takes time (for all). 
    Figuring out what works and what doesn't can't be defined since point 0 as issues will come on the way.
    So I am asking, why are we changing revisions annually when the current one was  already designed to be lighter and save $?
    Goal is to have 2018 income with 2006 expenses?

    Also with competition points having no expiration date what happens if G.skill and Galax stop organizing their events?

    Goal is to have 2006 complexity in rankings. I suspect there are only a handful of people understanding how the rankings work. Each ranking has it's own logic (especially those based on competition points and team power points).

    In rev8, ALL rankings (except the hardware/global/mobile masters) are based on member points, which is top 30 submissions + top 10 competition entries.

    Good point if we stop with user competitions. It levels the playing field for the seasonal ranking but it does have an unfair advantage on career ranking. We can always make competitions ourselves though.

    6 hours ago, bigblock990 said:

    Is there anyway to keep hardware points as a contributing factor to the rankings?

    Current proposal is hardware points only count to hardware masters league correct?

    But hardware points are a contributing factor! Member points = top 30 submissions (global + hardware + wr points) + top 10 competition entries. Why the idea it is no longer relevant?

    5 hours ago, bigblock990 said:

    @richba5tard If you are dead set on having two rankings career / seasonal, maybe better breakdown for points would be

    Career: Top XX submissions + Top XX hardware

    Seasonal: Top XX submissions + Top XX competition

    I am dead set on having all rankings based on same logic. Difference in career and seasonal should only be the scope of the year, not different logic IMHO.

    4 hours ago, Splave said:

    Hw points are a leveling factor of time and effort to help advance without having the highest end gear. It's a tough choice but maybe it's best since after gtx680  all the old legacies are cpu benches for the most part. I can see it both ways I guess. 


    -Maybe an unpopular opinion but 3dmark03 needs a nerf. Why is it 67 points vs 50s anyways?


    In response to idea of cutting comp points, I think you should keep competition points involved. If u have to suck it up and help your brothers once in awhile you can get a benefit or not. 

    Is there no longer anything in place to quash team hw sharing? This looks to be biggest team is best team which would increase shill account rewards. 



    Is it such a wild idea to maybe give each member a week and we all choose 8-10 cpu benches and gpu benches from a listed poll? Maybe we can trim some fat to save computational power and server costs. 

    Hardware points still count. Why do you think it does not? Deciding which apps get points and which not is an related discussion.

  10. The intent is to provide overclockers with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different points.

    As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Revision 7 Open Beta and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player points earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via overclocking.

    We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on HWBOT, our forums and across numerous social media outlets.

    Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.

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