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Everything posted by Gautam

  1. Mark and I are waiting for 5 of you slackers so we can get on the shuttle bus.
  2. Damn, the rest of the world is gonna have to catch up to you and learn this board's secrets...
  3. Wouldn't leave it in there for long if I were you
  4. I know of someone else having such an absurdly high CBB on a 580 Lightning. Other than that, a retail card that I recently bought seemed to clock sort of like yours...broke 1500 but took all the vgpu in the world to do it.
  5. Maybe you and Jon will reach "only" 1650 instead of the 1700 I'm expecting then.
  6. I've been around longer than both of you. My 6th bot-day is only about 5 months away.
  7. Sorry...in all seriousness I agree. I'd say leave all fields editable except for the score field. No reason to leave that editable. The more serious issue would be people exploiting it to sneak in straight up cheated scores. Much more likely to escape scrutiny if they upload a legitimate score, then "update" it to one 500-1000 pts higher, along with a photoshopped screenshot. Though you'll never stop me from using backups
  8. I can't think of any offense more grave than trying to improve scores. Especially when doing so with a "back-door" method. Prosecute them to the fullest extent of massman laws.
  9. Either this or none sent for pretesting period.
  10. I'm more than a little concerned at the prospect of people reusing their pretested cards at the live contest. It appears that there won't be any measures taken to prevent this from happening. And if that's the case, it'll hardly be a contest at all, with plenty of contestants having 1600+ Lightnings in hand already.
  11. Haha...that's what 01 is all about
  12. Lol
  13. No need to be so harsh...no one has 100% perfect results
  14. Benching 03 is bad for your health jimbo
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