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Everything posted by Gautam

  1. I have an idea. Let's all collectively form a mafia and raise 25k euros worth of ivy bridge cpu's to send straight to Marc and see how many records he can break.
  2. I agree that this definitely does not look good. Neither drivers nor a BIOS nor any tool can change the way that clocks are set on the g80/g92/g200 cards. The only question that remains is is there a tool that sets clocks in such a way that it "fools" GPU-Z as well. I think there's a slight chance that afterburner could do this on the g200 cards, but I'll have to test to confirm. I think its still a bit early to say he's cheating this definitively, but we (hwbot staff) should probably have a chat with him...
  3. I don't really like it either. On one hand, the people with old hardware feel slighted when the new hardware comes out...but what about the people that spend thousands on the new hardware?
  4. And to be a little kind to masbo
  5. ...
  6. rofl post a template without the text
  7. Nice post, I particularly like the last point. However, I'm starting to feel that the time has come to drop PCMark05. It's true that we could use photos and other forms of verification in an effort to enforce the set rules, but there is a fundamental reason why PCMark05 always finds itself in the center of controversy and benchmarks like 01 and 32m do not. The benchmark itself is full of holes that the Hwbot rules simply make an effort to patch up. We can keep trying to add and enforce rules, but I feel it's going to be a never ending battle.
  8. I thought there's no NDA...just a soft launch with the cards late to market.
  9. I don't know what your definition of "small enough" is, but at the top level of 3DMark11 scores (>20K) it's easily over 1000 pts. I thought in the past, scores were not supposed to change with different versions of Futuremark benchmarks. At the least there should be some more blatant way to invalidate scores done with 3DMark11 1.0.1.
  10. It seems like you have some monitor/vsync issues...
  11. Wow, your last name is longer than mine is.
  12. Indeed...seems like you've discovered something interesting.
  13. You should feel lucky, normally you either need 150 sponsors or originate from the continent of Europe as per massman's regulations.
  14. Xtreme Bandwidth has a 100 post count minimum along with Xtreme Overclocking. We were just getting too many threads from newcomers asking really basic questions which isn't what those sections are meant for.
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