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Everything posted by S_A_V

  1. Yes, Gainward 7800GT BLISS "Goes like hell" 512M (CardExpert VendorID on GPUZ) cards are faster than reference 7800GT cards. But it is only because they have faster memory (1300MHz default vs 1000MHz on reference cards). Memory size does not matter. In many other categories we have the same situation - better results are taken with "overclocked" non-reference cards with better specs than reference cards (GeForce 8600GT with 1.0-ns/2000MHz memory, for example). It is not the reason to split category.
  2. Wrong PiFast version used (memory allocated 61757kb instead of 61372kb)
  3. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=715333 - score was posted before 15 may 2008
  4. We are talking here about D3DOverrider.exe, not about RivaTuner setting. D3DOverrider included in RivaTuner's distributive package, but it's a stand alone application. Unlike many other registry-based tweaks, part of D3DOverrider (D3DOverriderHooks.dll) must reside in memory in order to work. I have archive with almost all versions of RivaTuner on my hard drive and I can see that first time D3DOverrider was released exactly in version 2.0 final release, 24th december of year 2006.
  5. Thank Unwinder for that, not me
  6. Support for new hardware in aquamark/3dmark/pcmark depends on version of Direcpll.dll - a library, developed by author of PowerStrip program. You can always download latest version of Direcpll.dll from official site: http://www.entechtaiwan.com/files/direcpll.dll File aquamark.exe inside this archive looks suspicious for me. It signed by Madness from KpTeaM. He is a good russian cracker and he can easy implement some dangerous code inside executable file. I recommend check this file with antivirus before use, or even better send it to some antivirus company for analyse.
  7. TaPaKaH and OPB benches alone. You and pofigist benched together with Massman and SF3D on HIT-2008. I think it was more than enough to prove the score as valid, no? Of course. I spend many time for it. But I will not share next time, even with friends, sorry D3DOverrider was released first time in RivaTuner v2.0 (final release) more than two years ago, way before than someone posted on XS about it. Usually I find such things myself before it goes on public - LOD on ATI cards for example (even before than it was first time implemented in ATITool). NeoForce takes this tweak from me, not on XS. I can't call it "NDA", but I asked him keep it in secret. Then he posted on XS with FULL SETTINGS to avoid questions on very good pofigist's results from HIT-2008. And now it posted on hwbot... It was a small lesson for me - trust no one. End of story.
  8. Damn you again...
  9. I have exactly the same score as Gamer ([M]adshrimps.BE OC-Team) on 7300GT. My score is older, but bot ranked it as 2nd for some reasons. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=565261 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=624302 Bug?
  10. It will not help Pausing the batch file you can set priority only for cmd.exe, but not for pifast41.exe
  11. Ticket ID: 191 Priority: Medium Please add in videocard database NVIDIA GeForce 9400 integrated graphics.\r\n\r\nGPUZ Screen\r\n\r\n\r\nGPUZ validation: http://www.techpowerup.com/gpuz/d94c2/\r\n\r\nCPUZ screen (mainboard tab): \r\n\r\n\r\nCPUZ validation: \r\nhttp://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=466060
  12. No need to spend a lot of resuorces, just change "use SiSoft Sandra 2007" in Sisoft Sandra submission rules to
  13. Earlier versions of GPUZ may be wrong with some cards. This user used RivaTuner to show correct info (32-bit memory bus, NV44 rev.A2, 4/3 pipelines, 16Mb memory). Try old GPU-Z 0.1.5 with your card: http://dl6.techpowerup.com//SysInfo/GPU-Z/GPU-Z.0.1.5.exe If it will also show 8/3 pipelines and 256 bit - old version is the reason.
  14. ORB not detect crossfire when result was done in Vista. For example: http://service.futuremark.com/compare?3dm06=6011033 3870 crossfire in Vista and "Linked display adapters - No" But ORB detect clocks as 776/1129MHz. So it can be crossfire with 776/1129MHz. Anyway 3870 @ 1210 MHz 1.425V on air is just impossible. With 1.55V+ may be, but not with 1.425V. ORB not detect real CPU clock when miltiplier was lowered. westsider have only 5113 CPU score and it is too low for 4500MHz, even with Vista. I think it was done with 450x8=3600MHz real CPU clock. I compared westsider's FAKED score with REAL single 3870 WR done by riska: http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=731706 riska score: 3870 @ 1256/1464MHz = 7677 HDR Score QX6700@3840MHz = 5623 CPU Score westsider score: 3870@1210/1375MHz = 8382 HDR Score Q6700@4500MHz (3600 real) = 5113 CPU Score westsider, don't shame all other Georgians, move your score to crossfire yourself.
  15. In fact Rossi lives in Togliatti and Demiurg in Chelyabinsk. There is about 900 kilometers between these cities. In Russia more cheap and faster way is to buy and sell the card in own city instead of sending it from another city, bench and then send back to owner.
  16. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=750467 - was checked by moderator http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=755636 One bugged score by dejanperkovic (OC-Lab2) with 3870X2+3870 and Maximus Formula posted in both HD3870X2 and HD3870 (3x crossfire) categories.... Maximus Formula have only two PCI-E x16 slots so there is no way to install three HD3870 cards on this mobo. Anyway it has bugged fps in Battle of Proxycon (1417 fps - no way) so both result entries must be removed.
  17. Ticket ID: 96 Priority: Medium CPUZ link: http://valid.x86-secret.com/show_oc.php?id=409501\r\n\r\nCPUZ screen:\r\n[mg]http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/7058/cpuzq94008x3332666mhz11dp7.png[/img]
  18. Please add Core 2 Quad Q8200 CPU to database. Specs: 4x Penryn core, 2333MHz clock speed, 333MHz FSB speed, 2x2048Mb L2 cache, LGA 775. I got this CPU today, not found it at hwbot, search net and found this thread with CPUZ screen of Q8200: http://www.ocforums.com/showthread.php?p=5742256 Screen with CPUZ: http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/253/btp45hp500pizj9.png
  19. Don't know about 2x3870X2 and other 4x-gpu configurations but I have only ~10k drop in AM3 score compares 2x4850 in XP and 3x4850 in Vista: 3x4850@925/1125 - Vista - 272k: 2x4850@935/1135 (clocks on video little higher and xp was tweaked little better than vista) - XP - 284k: I think 300k+ score is not a problem with 5.2ghz+ cpu, even in vista. But I can't be 100% sure because don't have two 3870x2 cards to prove it May be crossfire in 4x mode works different (uses more cpu resources) than 3x mode. EDIT: BUSTAMOVE I see your result http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=757188 and think you have so much drop because you use mobo with P35 chipset. Second card uses only 4 pci-e lanes for two gpus! This is bottleneck. Try X38/X48 mobo (not P35 and even not P45) and I sure you will got much better result.
  20. Nice scores, even without mipmap he can get 1st places. Congrats Ross
  21. Please look at this scores by Ross (OC Forums) in GeForce 7900 GT category: http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=739542 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=739556 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=739547 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=739539 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=739546 Quote from forum post http://www.ocforums.com/showpost.php?p=5642214 Yes, 3dmark03 don't let you to publish score if it's done with mipmap. 3dmark03 score more than 2k higher than normal, even for this high clocks on videocard. Almost 40k GFX score in AM3 is also impossible with this clocks and without mipmap.
  22. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=732989 - matched to wrong CPU - QX9775 in QX9770 category http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=733417 - 104k 3dmark01 with 3900mhz cpu
  23. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=725531 http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=720489 Two ident scores from the same user. One submitted manually, second is forum post for/from another team.
  24. http://hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=715457 bugged run (fps in mother nature is too high)
  25. http://www.hwbot.org/result.do?resultId=709216 Please check again. I added link to SubmitResults.html file + link to screenshot of SubmitResults.html. It is enough verification for AM3 or not? Also I just added SubmitResults.html for ALL my AM3 results posted in 2008 year.
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