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Everything posted by Earthdog

  1. I'm not sure what I missed but.. its clocking through the multi again. This is one particular board, wow. I have Turbo, EIST, C1E disabled and on idle its STILL dropping to 12x... What did I miss to make it a constant clockspeed?
  2. Not sure if you want ambient testing as it seems one is unable to test these to the limit with mere ambient temps. But here is mine. The other will come soon after... 3133B433 - 4.94GHz / ? / ? @ 1.48v (from DMM) ambient water ONLY.
  3. F4c didnt change anything for me. Here are my issues: F2 bios and all beta versions up to F3 - Setting voltage in bios does not show in windows (used ET6 for voltage) multi works via onboard buttons/and from bios. F3 bios and betas up to F4c - Setting voltage in bios shows in windows, but now multi adjustments do not go past 38x via ET6, buttons on board, or the bios. With F4c - BIOS shows 56C CPU temp no matter what. Uninstalled ET6 the issue(s) still remain.
  4. Im still having issues with an multi's sticking. I even uninstalled ET6. Ive got everything set properly and still 38x. The multi button on teh board wont even change it... Im going to try F4b...
  5. Worse than 3rd and better than 5th = 4th. Not to difficult to............ O I *think* I C what u did thur! Still though, just takes a system available at towards the end to shoehorn a time in...or have several scores bagged...Interesting. I appreciate the effort to deter this regardless! Thanks for the explanation.
  6. Now instead of 'bagging 1st place scores, they will 'bag 4th place scores? Im not quite sure how this helps the bagging issue personally...but Im tired, so fill me in! GL teams! EDIT: Geez - How did I start a thread? I thought this was a thread and I was posting in it?!!!
  7. WTG matt! Didnt see at OCF you hit 8.2Ghz+
  8. Heh.. turns out the CPU wasnt the problem, the UD7 crapped the bed. Wussy board. New one arrives Monday. Hopefully that one wont be as weak, and now I have 2 CPU's to bin!
  9. Hopefully its that simple (C1E)...but I swear I left that on default. Oh well, new CPU to arrive tomorrow so I can test again. The old one is dead somehow.
  10. Any fix in sight for the multi not sticking on F3 bios sin? Or advice to push past 4.9Ghz? Its a rock solid lock at 4.9Ghz, active cooling on the VRM's or not.
  11. Any word on GD65 4D updates? Any different?
  12. @ Stasio - Does this bios prevent the non applying settings from the bios the beta's have? (I didnt look before I posted and sorry for the mini thread jack). No release notes on the website. @ Massman, no R4E. The other X79 board I have (Asrock Extreme4-M) Doesnt even like to hold a 4.5ghz clock at the moment.. Replied to your PM, will test and report back.,
  13. +1 for naming the profiles!!!!! I can change voltage in ET6 (Vcore) and use the board's buttones for multi bclk. I think I have a dud as 4.8Ghz on water is all I can bench at... YUCK
  14. Retail C1 and it wouldnt boot from the get go. The bios he has I do not believe was the shipping bios and that was were the incompatibility lay. Massman - Any new beta bios in the works for this non sticking to settings thing in F3k/n or do we have to continue to use ET6 for voltage and overclocking (outside the buttons on board of course)?
  15. If you CPU is C1 stepping, it seems those boards are not compatible...at least according to MSI. Our team leader has one for review and MSI is sending out another because of C1 incompatibility. Well, F2 wasnt bad for me (outside of the odd LLC that doesnt work at all) overclocking wise so I will stick with it...
  16. Massman.. you having issues with voltage sticking on the Fn bios by chance?
  17. Under MY TEAM the worldwide and national ranks do not work. (Sorry if that was mentioned in this thread). LOoks great though guys... thanks!
  18. A little hard to be results sharing with different results isnt it?
  19. Let me say I do see what your decision accomplishes. I dont feel that justifys the decision though. However the part Im most dissapointed in is the staff here backing down in the face of adversity (where is that adversity though?) to their beliefs and contrary to the evidence against the possible cheating that ?someone? thinks is happening. To me that doesnt show the strong leadership that has been shown here in the past that make this place what it is. Good luck guys (OCF), keep fighting the good fight.
  20. But in this case, he showed he has the same type shirt and gun but with no blood on it....he just happened to be at the cafe around the corner when the murder happened. Bad conicidence. LOL! Why is it so difficult for you/the staff to stand up for what you believe in and what has been proven right?
  21. Im curious. How many members brought this up? How many members, think this? Then, lets put the evidence in front of them, adding to the fact that even you dont think they are cheating, and see what the members think. Seems to me only 1 post in this entire thread believes that??? So instead of supporting the facts and your beliefs you are rolling over b/c of other people's perception? I can read between the lines on that one... GAH! Yeah this....
  22. Whats wrong with that? Same CPU and different GPU's are allowed right? I think these two have PICTURES of their different GPU's they have. Even labeled so they know they arent using each others for Pete's sake! No offense, but I lost hope the second the ruling came down. This is just the aftermath of said decision. Thats what one gets for being as honest as they come I suppose.
  23. In regards to the algo's and seperation, why not just create a new one to seperate and leave what you have as is. Meaning just a have score board for the pros extracting their scores and placing it to 'their score board'. I dont know how these work, but figured I would toss it out there in case it could help. Also, couldnt an exclude variable be created to eliminate those pros out of the non sponsered score board? GL guys.
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