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Everything posted by S4ch4Z

  1. Took 1,55V to get it there, but it’s definitely hitting a wall right before 4.5Ghz IMC is usually overwhelmed with anything over 3466 but it held surprisingly good today!
  2. Not willing to risk up my chip to match such a result... Good job there :)
  3. Thanks But I'll stop the benching there. Keep these points safe
  4. You finally managed to get it up 112 on bclk I see Good job!
  5. I tried out several bios to be able to set bclk higher, some wouldn't even enable turbo clocks. But turbo really works only if forced with the Throttlestop software in the OS in my case: https://www.techpowerup.com/download/techpowerup-throttlestop/ It's even stable at 114.3 mhz so far (still testing for everyday use) I use HyperX Genesis 1600C9 DDR3 sticks which are nothing fancy. Just had to set their speed down one notch to get there. Maybe you should set your RAM to lower clocks too and see if that allows you to go higher on bclk. Thanks for the support and good luck
  6. 2K, finally Great job mate!
  7. My Maxxmem DDR3 score simply dissapeared without any sort of warning. I do not own a DRR4 compatible rig as Taloken pointed out so there's no way a memory type conflict could be to blame. Just tried to submit the same score again but it still doesn't work... (except in the "latest submissions" tab)
  8. Up for one last run on HCH9 - Past 1000 hopefully
  9. Too bad XTU must stay... It's the only bench I consider truely horrible for a highly OC'd CPU. You can literally hear it suffer, and I'm never putting any of my future chips to go through this ever again. Definitely not suited for rookies, but rather experienced clockers! It's no secret anymore that you have to downclock your CPU to complete it past some point where your CPU will go beyond it's thermal limit and won't handle the ammount of stress through the whole bench... IMHO, XTU is pointless when put in the RR context, since dipping your rad in ice cold water and using 2400+ RAM seem to be the only way to score high enough to matter! Don't take it the wrong way, terms and bench panel are up to you. But I highly doubt I'll participate to the next edition if XTU is still featured...
  10. Guess my 4770k deserves some rest. It won't even take XTU like it used to anymore, and basically lost the ability to run anything other than 100 BCLK Still rock stable at 4.8G rendering on Vray, so it's not a complete loss... I'm not saying XTU is the reason why it "fried" a little but this bench is a bit too demanding for the RR in my opinion. Why not replace it with something a bit softer like Cinebench? AMD guys have it
  11. OK! Tu fais bien de me le dire, j'étais sur le point de tout démonter pour revenir sur le 4930K C'est reparti pour un tour.
  12. Yeap : Fluid, Fur and Raymarch scores don't add up. Would be a great score if they did though
  13. Hi! Check your score imput, which should be 7.954s instead of 7.95s. Looks like it's been misread for 7.095s Thanks!
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