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Everything posted by kaliz

  1. Trying to upload a Pyprime 32B with Benchmate 11.2.0 with DDR5 in both the competition and the normal section on hwbot, but get an error message. I can upload a Pyprime 2M score from Benchmate 11.1.0 briefly tried. In the meantime i made a mistake by clicking 'Participate' in the right hand section with my other Pyprime 32M score.... so can you please delete it so i can re-upload it? https://hwbot.org/submission/5378310_ sorry for inconvenience
  2. Made a DDR submission for 50 points, but it doesnt show in the overall leaderboards
  3. i am trying to upload a DDR5 SDRAM frequency and it reds out in the DDR5 SDRAM section so couldnt upload. I was able to upload a 4280MHz the regular way, but i have a 4290 i wanna use for the competition. Thanks
  4. I see! Choose the wrong picture! This pic was from another CPU and the water was not chilled this time, its the same cooling none the less.
  5. Does lapping the chip helps with thermals?
  6. Water (frozen/cold) ! awesome stuff!
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