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Everything posted by sacha35
just wanted to point out that there is less than a week to go on this competition round, so get your results in ASAP.
Yes both are similar, it’s to find the best in the UK, giving the guys a chance with multiple events as they may have had a prior engagement and may have not been able to attend the first round. The best 6 from three rounds will go to the finals at i45.
Round two guys. http://asus.hardwareheaven.com/ The aim is to achieve the maximum overclocking perctentage. To do this applicants must run CPU-Z on their rig at home at stock speed, then again once they have the OC set to MAX. Screenshots showing both Stock and OC speeds must be attached to the entry form or validation links submitted to hardwareheaven. Good luck to all
Last day tomorrow guys, the twelve finalists will be announced on the 1st of March
Sorry mate, updated
Update, Take a look at what you could win. http://www.kitguru.net/site-news/competitions/jules/win-two-fully-loaded-intel-ivy-bridge-powered-pcs/
Due to demand the competition has been extended by ASUS with a closing date for entries now being the 1st of March 2012. Looks like things are starting to heat up quite a bit with lots of entries coming though, anyway time to get binning your CPU’s guys as you now have a few more weeks to get your final results in.
Last weekend to get a decent result in guys. Good luck everyone.
Like this one a lot, anyway Only one week left guys to get your highest % overclock into http://www.kitguru.net/site-news/competitions3-sitenews/carl/asus-overclocking-masters-uk-win-great-prizes/
Only 11 days left guys to get your highest % overclock into http://www.kitguru.net/site-news/com...-great-prizes/ I have been in talks with ASUS UK and there will be some great prizes for all the 12 finalist that have been invited to the grand Finals, it goes without saying though that the UK’s Top Overclocker for 2012 will walk away with an ARMY of prizes ready for some serous 2012 overclocking. Don’t forget all entries must be submitted to asuscompetition@kitguru.net before the closing date of Wednesday 8th February Good luck guys, looking forward to meeting the 12 finalist at the finals.
Not to sure as of yet mate, will keep you fully updated as and when i get all the info.
Looking good so far guys just got off the phone with ASUS and it looks like this will be one great compo with lots of toys for the contestants to play with. More info as and when I receive it. Don’t forget if you’re not in it you won’t win it, so why not have a go.
Ok Guys are you ready, if so get you engines started we have a great competition for all UK overclockers, the competition is all about overclocking to the maximum MHZ you can from the stock MHZ using only an air-cooled set-up, this can be of your choice, so no limitations to whatever setup or system you want to run. the best bit it’s in the comfort of your own lair, we invite you to generate the MAXIMUM OC PERCENTAGE possible. Run CPU-Z on your rig at STOCK speed, then again once you have the OC set to MAX take a CPUz and email those links. The 12 fastest overclockers will be invited along to the finals. Good luck lads I know you will do us proud. All info can be found hear:http://www.benchtec.co.uk/forums/threads/9050-MAXIMUM-OC-PERCENTAGE-COMPERTITION
Why, if an individual has been found to be cheating then why not instant ban for life, this is no different to stealing or cheating on others for self gain. I totally agree this is where it gets very difficult proving someone has been hardware sharing, but why not try to make things very hard for sharing like proving they have the hardware in the first place. This will at least get users to buy the hardware they are supposedly benching and will stop a little of what is going on. Again every bit of hardware comes with a serial/barcode number even CPU's, why not ask manufactures to start implementing this number into the parts being sold that then can be verified by software detection. Again The bigger picture here as I can see How to stop cheating and stop all the sharing, this is a big one to try and sort out, but think it can be done if everyone pulls together to stamp this out. Harsher penalties for anyone found to be sharing or cheating (ban for life) rather than a few months. The use of cheery handpicked manufacture parts is the biggest problem I can see, stamping this out has to be a top priority and again the use of manufactuers intended only parts such as the 2.4ES Gulftowns that are not available to anyone other than Manufactures. How is it that HWBOT is indorsing the use of these parts and CPU's when they do not represent anything anyone can buy? this has to be stamped out.
HI Can see you anger at team Finland not being in the rankings. However, just because you are one of the top scorers does not mean that your team should be in the top team league. It is a little like football, you have a team that are not that great, but within that team, they have the top scoring player in the league. This again comes to team effort and has nothing to do with individuals or there ability it is all about a team and the effort they all put in. Will it be the case that in a few months time I start to moan because you get a lot more hardware than the rest of us do, I have to face facts you have more time and get better results so the manufacturers will support you more than me. We all started from nowhere and must never forget this, if REV4 was introduced back when most of us started overclocking, would overclocking be as big as it is now, the answer I think would be no as what would be the point. The bigger picture here as I can see How to stop cheating and stop all the sharing, this is a big one to try and sort out, but think it can be done if everyone pulls together to stamp this out. Harsher penalties for anyone found to be sharing or cheating (ban for life) rather than a few months. The use of cheery handpicked manufacture parts is the biggest problem I can see, stamping this out has to be a top priority and again the use of manufactuers intended only parts such as the 2.4ES Gulftowns that are not available to anyone other than Manufactures. How is it that HWBOT is indorsing the use of these parts and CPU's when they do not represent anything anyone can buy? this has to be stamped out.
You say BT got most manufacturers covered, this maybe from a UK prospective but I can assure you that when it comes to getting support for hardware then we have to try much hardware than other countries, I have only just received the RE3 when it has been out for months now, so no getting support is not easy in the UK and we get no special treatment with cheery parts or BIOS's. To get some of the hardware we have to put on live events and shows at our own expense so in a way we are paying for the hardware that some of us may get In my eyes this is no different to people submit results from live overclocking events that they have attended, in fact it is even worse as they have been given the hardware which mostly has been handpicked and then they are supplied with free LN2. Numbers, serials, receipts even videos may have failed in the past, but every bit of hardware has a serial number that can be scanned, so if it can be scanned then it can be implanted into software for detection. As for your questions. How do you want to achieve it? Well REV4 is not the way to go, as it will only distract people from competing; only the top manufacture teams will win. How to make OCing more attractive Open up more categories for all overclockers, using different types of cooling and let them have their own league. How to improve this REV without tearing it down without even thinking about it...? I do not think this will be possible, as said HWBOT may as well pick the teams from the list of top overclockers now.
So if I have this right, the top overclockers from each team will represent their team, is this right? If it is then we only need to look at the overclocker's leader board and pick the top teams from this, which it would not be as it is the individual not a team effort. As for hardware, sharing why not implement hardware numbers from the parts used this would then show that every bencher has the hardware and it is not being borrowed. Again, it would not stop top parts being shared but think it would be a good direction to start with. The use of ES parts, this is a big problem, you can ban the use of ES parts is one solution, but for some reason there are even results shown at HWBOT with 2.4ES Gulftowns that are not available to anyone other than Manufactures. How is it that HWBOT is indorsing the use of these CPU's when they do not represent anything you can buy? Sorry people but this looks like a big fail for the Bot as most overclockers around the globe will not bother anymore, only the top people from the overclocking league will represent their team. If HWBOT implement this new REV4 why don't they just pick the teams from the league of overclockers they have now.
What Step CPU did he use, the 2.4ES that is not available to anyone other than Manufactures or the 3.3 Stepping which is getting better each day but no were near what the 2.4Ghz ES could do. Anyway, good result, just wish it could have been done and shown with retail parts or same stepping as retail.
sacha35 - Core i3 530 @ 6189.2MHz - 6189.22 mhz CPU-Z
sacha35 replied to Bustah's topic in Result Discussions
Thanks people, all will be reviled soon hopefully. -
Happy Xmas and new year to all. Also a big well done to all the HWbot team for the hard work you have put into making this site something special.
Not just the spectators but the sponsors as well, don't for get this manufacturers need live coverage of their products for this to work, giving the manufacturers just 5 seconds a month coverage is not good enough and they will stop support I my mind. The F1OC needs to be fully active thought the whole month showing what kit is used and results, this then leads to sales and recommendations of the products used, taking this away has no benefit what so every for the manufacture to receive 5seconds worth of coverage a month. But at the end of the day this F1OC needs to be done correctly with a fully automated system like Hwbot, without it who can say what or when results have been submitted or if they are legal, more work and input from the OC community needs to be put forward and a water tight competition put into action from everyone's comments, not someone who just wants to make a few $ for hosting the event.
Rules setout by the overclocker at XS at the start Hi all, This contest has somewhat exploded in popularity, hence the information blackout while I've been sorting out websites, potential sponsors and the like. All teams are now confirmed... Republic of Overclockers Fr3ak giorgioprimo Team Biostar pt1t Boblemagnifique Team DFI Massman over@locker886 Team EVGA k|ngp|n AndreYang Team Gigabyte Hicookie DeDaL Team MSI Barron_Greenback Bustah Team Australia dinos22 Youngpro Team China Artkobe Victorwang Team Finland SF3D Sampsa Team Greece hipro5 gprhellas Team Indonesia Benny Ekky Team Russia NeoForce pofigist Team Tom's Hardware dragonx21 Hiwa Team USA FUGGER mikeguava Run order August 3DMark Vantage (Performance) September SuperPi 32M using a P55 motherboard October Highest FSB November 3DMark 06 using a motherboard's integrated graphics December SuperPi 8M with AMD processor (last three may change order if product launches deem it advantageous) Rules 1. Retail kit only. All products must be available to purchase by the public BY THE END of each month. 2. No liquid Helium. 3. No cheating. This is season one and intended to push all manner of boundaries and so rules are minimal. Tricking benchmarks as per HWBot rulings 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 are the main offences - this is not a software programming contest. All results will be scrutinised openly on XS and HWBot and in obvious cheating cases, stewards will impose penalties as they see fit (penalty points most likely). Any changes that need to be brought in to these minimal rules will be added from season two. Submission guidelines Submissions should follow HWBot verification and screenshot guidelines - standard practice these days. Wallpaper will be supplied each month. You must also send a list showing the make and model of every component used: CPU, RAM, Hard Disk, Motherboard, PSU, Graphics card plus and additional kit like special daughter boards. This is essential as a main aim of this competition is to show the world 'what the fastest kit is' email submissions to: f1oc @ sproog .com Results Results for each test must be submitted by the end of each month with no exceptions allowed. No one but the organisers will see your results before this deadline, so feel free to send them in as you get them. Timezone is the International Time/Date Line: so GMT +12 hours. What Happens now We're sorting out a microsite at http://www.f1oc.org. This will become live at some point in August. It will coincide with a new issue of The Overclocker, which will formally announce the contest to the world. This will happen once we've tied up sponsorship and web design. There should be no reason to hold up the start for competitors. If, god forbid, we get some decent money in for season one, there will be prize money for winners. The main aim of season one, however, is to create a proof of concept competition with as many viewers as possible. Season Two can then be heavily commercialised with big prize money, marketing budgets and hopefully some money for the organisers, XS and HWBot! Remember, the focus of F1OC is to drive technology forward and show all tech enthusiasts which the is fastest kit in the world (whether they overclock or not). This should also be a great gateway for non-overclockers to learn about the sport and get involved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by The_Overclocker; 08-14-2009 at 02:45 AM. Change of rules by the overclocker. This thread is for explaining the rules of F1OC. They have been basic up until now. But here they are clarified further. They will be tweaked as required in order to get them as perfect as possible by season two. Any changes will naturally be minor but potentially significant. Version 1.02 1. Retail kit only. All products must be available to purchase by the public BY THE END of each month. Products must be delivered by the end of the following month or the score will be withdrawn. (Note: this rule will change for season 2 when all products must be available to buy and use by all competitors by the start of each month). 2. No liquid Helium. 3. No cheating. This means no software to be used that manipulates the benchmark unfairly. Tricking benchmarks as per HWBot rulings 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 are the main offences. 4. Each submission must have a screenshot AND validation. This does not apply for the SuperPi rounds where a screenshot with a valid SuperPi checksum, cpuz cpu and cpuz memory screens must be visible. All screenshots must use the F1OC wallpaper. All submissions are required by email until it is announced that the HWBot engine is working (this has been said privately many times - now everyone knows). 5. Deadline is end of the month, GST -12. (I believe it said GST +12 elsewhere... that was a typo... it hasn't affected anyone thus far, but people have asked for it to be clarified). All results will be scrutinised openly on XS and HWBot and in obvious cheating cases, stewards will impose penalties as they see fit (penalty points most likely). Further clarification - details needn't be posted until after the round. We don't expect you to show everyone your settings before the round finishes. That would be crazy. For any further clarifications, please post in this thread only. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by The_Overclocker; 10-02-2009 at 02:14 AM. Reason: Further clarification No one is going on at you for nothing Nick, the rules have changed all the way though right from the start of the F1OC. I say rules well what rules as far as I can see you have made many comments about following Hwbot rules, but in the last round these have been broken ( what has been done about this) there were some great achievements and I don't think anyone will forget the results but where they fair that is what you have to ask yourself and the overclocking community. All the guys have put a lot of work into this competition not just yourself so please stop winging on about how hard done by you are, just think of the guys that have had to buy many CPU's and the rest of the hardware to find things change at the last minute, how fair is that. Until things and rules are set in stone and kept to by a proper site like Hwbot that is tried and tested for some years now then what is the point as the goal post keeps moving every month. I am not bitter and twisted because I am not in this competition Nick you know why I pulled out and for the same reasons I have listed. All I have ever wanted is fair play for everyone and I can see this and many others can too.
I understand what you are saying to a point knopflerbruce, but now we have the new SSD's and Ram drives surly this would make an impact on the whole of the benchmark results not only the start-up of the HDD test, so taking this into account how can a normal SATA or even older IDE drive be compared to the technology we have today. If there has to be a limit imposed because of new technology then all the old benchmarks we run now are all worthless because we cannot possible compare them to today's hardware. I thought the whole point was to try and make the system run as fast and efficiently as we can with the hardware we have, it is like comparing a single card GPU to a duel card GPU, the duel card will always win in most of the benchmarks, but we still run all of them and the guys with the old single GPU's lost out in a big way because it was decided that the new technology would take president over the old stuff we used. anyway I don't mean any harm in what I am saying but this is my thoughts, what does everyone else think. should we have to limit the speed of our hardware to run some benchmarks or should we try and make the hardware we have run as fast and efficiently as we possible can.
It seems kind of crazy that futuremark has a limit of 300mb's but here the limit is 220mb's on the start up, I do understand limiting the start-up but I would have thought Hwbot would have followed the rules of the ORB ? Perhaps there needs to be another poll, as we now have all this new technology with SSD's and Ram drives that have to be manipulated to reduce the speed of start-up in this benchmark and do not show the true speed of a system.
But if it was a true competition then you would have looked at what this guy said rather than just pick friends or who's face fits.