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Everything posted by T0lsty

  1. my PE card cant go 1400 mhz .. but both ref cards can easy do 1400 .. was no time for playing with cards .. i burned 2 ref cards .. and i didnt use more than 1,45V .. ln on mosfets i use only today ..
  2. why nobody used thuban for wprime1024 ? zzolio, Cische- - why so high clocks in 03 and so low in vantage ?
  3. on higher gpu clocks ram cant go 1300 .. ref card can do 1300 much easier
  4. no, that card died yesterday .. I lost vrm temp control and it burned ..
  5. you`ve just stolen 4 hours of benching)))
  6. cant submit 3dmark 03 have an error : Oops. Something went wrong. We could blame this on you but it`s most likely our crappy coding skills. You could try again or nudge our developpers for fixing this.
  7. cpu is maxed out, but it was enought for last year moa qual) http://www.hwbot.org/submission/2292219_t0lsty_3dmark03_radeon_hd_7970_214000_marks I`ve already reinstalled win xp and will try it tonight. i hate last day benching .. but this time i will..
  8. i think 999 bug was only in win7 ? i know about it. score grows from 1000 to 1400 . but not so good. now i remember that i have same bug on 260 gtx card but with 197.45 driver. I think my win xp is bugged .. card goes 1400 3dmark 11 with 320.49 driver).
  9. who shows 1500? http://hwbot.org/submission/2408215_t0lsty_3dmark03_geforce_gtx_560_ti_448_151963_marks
  10. card didnt survive.. gpu is dead. ordered a new one.
  11. tnx a lot . mod works good.
  12. yes, old one. many caps, short thick wires , tested few times last month (before EPOWER ruse was announced) but droop was very big .. more bigger than on 260gtx , with similar soldering. so at -60 there was a little difference between stock VRM and epower (1300/1330)
  13. nice work. what is VGPU idle/load ? i had a big vdroop with epower..
  14. this year moa pissed off many people .. if msi officislly didnt provide bios before start of the semi-final, I`d prefer not to have it at all.
  15. msi decided to have real fun this year with participants ?? its only one week to the end of comp..
  16. no I don't. but as i remember card just shut down at -60 (with no voltages). - so need a cb mod . with epower - i have a cold slow issue at -60 .
  17. i didnt use heatsink on vrm. only fan cooling
  18. 1.4 V for ref board is too much)) i hope only mosfets burned .. cause i dont want to buy one more piece of 5h1t
  19. tnx for bios .. but also need cb/cbb mod .
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