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Everything posted by Jurin1388

  1. That's my specialty. An easy solution for quick tests.
  2. On the MSI Z690 Unify-X board, CrossFire works under Windows XP without any problems. The motherboard supports x8/ x8 in SLI and CrossFire mode.
  3. The AIO cooler is loosely seated on the CPU, it is not bolted, but is only loaded with a 1KG weight. I do this for most tests. It's a quick way, I don't have to assemble anything.
  4. I still don't know where the problem is. Probably something with the CPU. None of the boards go above approx. 5.6-5.7 GHz.
  5. Can't open this file. Message to Gdrive: Sorry. You do not have access to this document because it is in violation of our terms and conditions. Can you help?
  6. On daily cooling it behaves like any other regular CPU. During 1,35V with AIO cooling it works on a frequency of about 4700 MHz. With higher frequencies it needs higher voltage and that leads to overheating and lowers performance.
  7. Have you tried painting PCB with non-conductive Vaseline?
  8. It is true. At 1.58 volts, the processor was able to run at 5700 MHz on all cores. At this frequency result Cinebench-R23 14852 CB.
  9. It is just an avarage CPU . I tested a processor with AIO cooling. It worked on all cores (8/16) with a maximum frequency of 4650 to 4750 MHz. Results with AIO cooling in some tests below.?
  10. The Vcore was very high- 2.0 volts. Validation at 7950 has already failed. 7900 MHz was on two cores.
  11. Určitě pomohly, díky moc. Jen ten 8700K se mi nedaří... 3x přepastované a nenajede přes 5600 MHz. Asi nebude v pořádku.
  12. Souhlasím, CPU je sice nově přepastován kryonautem, ale včera jsem skutečně najel přímo na fullpot. Příští týden znovu přepastuju a zkusím znovu. Díky.
  13. Je tam kryonaut, ale budu zkoušet znovu (bylo málo LN2).
  14. Tak to budou asi obě ty desky Maximus IX APEX i Maximus XI Gene KO, neboť jsem je zkoušel teď v létě- teplota venku kolem 25 °C... Ten test s 8700K jsem zkoušel i na XI Gene a dopadl podobně . Nedostal jsem se s CPU přes 5400 MHz..
  15. Bad test- slow mode on board instead of ln2 mode !!
  16. Bad test- slow mode on board instead of ln2 mode !!
  17. Bad test- slow mode on board instead of ln2 mode !!
  18. Thanks, I didn't use any OS optimization. But I already found the answer in the forum: https://community.hwbot.org/topic/167622-spi32m-help-needed/. I'll try waza later. Thank you once again.
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