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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. 'I thought it said stock rating was 2.025v, if you wont RMA, I will sue you' Good luck on the RMA, Intel has the worst RMA service in the business.
  2. I already went crying to Monstru about this, he then lifted me up and padded me on the back stating 'stay calm, we will go, its ok, dont cry' Thats pretty much how it went down :
  3. Først set dette nu, du hamrer temmelig godt igennem :-)
  4. L211B472 5000mhz 32M 1.45v 4c/8t L211B472 4900mhz 1.44v fully stable for all benchies L211B472 4500mhz 1.175v L211B472 4000mhz 1.04v All done on watercooling. IMC: 1200mhz with 2 DIMM IMC: 1066mhz with 4 DIMM Tested on Extreme6.
  5. LOL NICE ones
  6. Nobody, but it was skipped in 2011, and looks to be skipped in 2012, but last time I checked, GOOC isnt an annual event, rather a matter of proving worthy platforms, and Gigabyte marketing, HQ, has not considered any platform since LGA1366 worthy... So, with no plans for Ivy, seems like first realistic chance is Ivy-E, which is 2013, while MSI does it every year... Dont put words in my mouth, I am a huge fan of both MOA and GOOC - MOA has just proven more reliable as for consistancy. ---- And to the other discussion, I know Massman aka. Diablo has forbidden me commenting, but I am going to do it anyway, guys, sure it is expensive, it is a freaking expensive HOBBY... If you are into OC from desire to profit from it -you've made a wrong turn. This is F1 of computers, the most badass, not the cheapest/sanest/wisest. EDIT; Oh splave, I wish that would be possible around here... You are more likely to be set back close to one grand from buying/using/selling those 2 platforms here..
  7. We haz si ELMOR, but he isnt competing, MSI staff. Good luck with the binning everyone. If anyone that has binned less than 30 CPU's make it to top5, I'll be impressed.
  8. This wasnt answered.... It does matter for lucky draw now doesnt it???
  9. The terror(me) never sleeps. Sorry for being hard on you, NDAmann, always keeping cards tight - the signal value was 'not interested' as you also tend to use as slogan these days... But more important than you getting less headache by me constantly annoying you... Good to see more or less replicated scores. One gotta say, those are som crazy binned VGA's you got there rbuass :-) And as I stated in the PM earlier, its awesome what you do for overclocking in South America. *and I highly recommend MSI doing less extraordinary exclusive initial LIVE EVENTS, while Grand Final can be a big show.... Media and people will love meeting up at at live event, more PR, more show, more action, more win - but obviously; more expensive.
  10. Might have been a bad call dude.... After all, 3dmark may turn into angry birds in next edition.
  11. Only MSI graphics card, can I use HD4000 in the Intel chip? And nah, I am not joking... I wont buy a MSI graphics card, but would like to enter in order to pad MSI's back and give my support to them hosting MOA, will just be a watercooled or single stage entry anyway :-) EDIT; Pro not trying to bust your balls here, but this one is EMEA, not Asia Another question though How u possible? Final y u last month?
  12. Oh man, damn you, now I wont just have to study for exams, saturation point I'm going to follow up on ;-) Cheers though.
  13. Thermal throttling does not have to be at what you consider high temperature.... And honestly, has Intel only made one fluck up with Ivy??? I can think of 2 already... 1) TIM has 1/8th conductivity 2) Some Intel staff, wanted to sue half of the review sites globally, and especially overclockers 'leaking' - but as usual, hollow preaching, balls to follow up on the big words wasnt present. BUT; I agree with the evil minded Dutchman, nice find.
  14. Maybe Marc will ask you to complete the game tomorrow, at work
  15. Going to close thread before anyone gets the chance to respond, nananana... rbuass is a good guy, he has established overclocking in an entire continent like nobody else have done in the time I've followed OC internationally, so, more than 7 years.... I respect the bloke, even if the in my opinion unlikely happens, that all those accusations that has been cast over the last 72 hrs... For the sake of MOA, for the sake of Brazil overclocking.... For the sake of hwbot in generel.... Could staff PLEASE increase the priority of sorting out the accusations...? This is probably the biggest mess of the entire freaking year, and meanwhile, while this happens, I see lots of crew posting irrelevant binning results of Ivy... Cmon, clean MOA and rbuass, we all owe him credit for his amazing work. Investigate the issue ASAP.... My 5 cents.
  16. He is coordinating MOA qualifier = he is going on work purpose.
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