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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. This one is actually funny
  2. Considering going... Would it be possible to borrow a chair at someones place first night? :-) If going I'll arrive past midnight 5-6th, and wont be able to check in any place at that time..
  3. Yea, and density, it is interesting moving to 4GB sticks.
  4. I missed an "always", as in I dont always agree... In this case, I do, it is besides the point though. It is a low blow to publish an email like this.
  5. Quite sad to publish emails without asking for permission in advance.... I dont agree with Pieter, however, your reaction is only weaking your position, while you actually wanted to do good.. :-/ Bad move man.
  6. You Aussies got regular 13A too^^ (Installed 4x 13A 2 months ago, 3 dedicated to hardware... 16A is possible, but by law requires thicker 'more expensive' cables for home usage, in industry there is a different standart)
  7. Question; Anyone going from Berlin by car, or Hamburg? PJP, I'll call you today if your not online
  8. Been used before, used it twice myself. NB pot, and on top of a folie tray for ram cooling
  9. In that situation, you should have refused to speak Italian and seem angry, would have been hillarious
  10. Who's your daddy!?

  11. ... When you wont have a beer the night before an overclocking event *cough gautam cough* ... When you consider Massman more powerful then the prime minister of your country ... When overclockers use your surname instead of nickname ... When you buy/use more liters of LN2, then all other liquir materials together (gas,milk,soda,beer, water etc.) ... When you actually give a fuck about the European/American bench-war ... When you dont mind if a 'bit' hardware dies in the process.
  12. ... When you look more forward to -20C winter nights, then sunny summer days.
  13. amazing thread, enjoying reading it, so obvious fails and lack of acceptance of the feedback from the poweruser :-)
  14. Not what I have heard!
  15. I'd do it if I knew a bit more in advance, cannot spend that sort of money on short notice as a student. As for economy I'd spend ~300 Euro at max probably, on transport. As for time in advance; I'd need 2 weeks notice, minimum Distance; Dont care... I have even considered one in Kuala Lumpur...
  16. ... when you got Massman on speed dial. ... when buying old shitty hardware, just to bench it because the topscore isnt high.
  17. It makes much more sense to put "Approved by Massman" in a review :-D
  18. Cheapest possible :-D Needs are simple; somewhere to shower, and sleep, thats it.
  19. Last part was written by your gf.
  20. WTF, you change socks!? Karl and you know how many SPI 1M you can do and submit in the time it takes to change socks!?
  21. Nah it has to be computex, that is my only term :-)
  22. I didnt say it has to be owner ;-) Andels / partly owned, if you are good at making a bargain, you can do it =]
  23. Or alternative, you can find someone to do loan (house loan) at 1.1-3.5%, and get a appartment for 1 mio NOK, which would be 55-75 depending on location
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