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Everything posted by M.Beier

  1. Bunnyextraction! That means no steak-house madness unless it's on a vendor or I'll donate your plate?
  2. 03-27-2014 Only 9 ppl going *Wink wink* Updaaaaate the list
  3. Looking forward to meeting you Ronaldo!
  4. Not a bad idea, but for some reason I doubt I wont get spotted and thrown eggs at even without that! Martin; Really awesome news, looking forward to a beer with you again, and meeting Riska too (that'll be first time)
  5. No disrespect PJP, but isnt 6th June the main day for Computex? EDIT: Roman, can you please update first post with the lists?
  6. Thats freakin' awesome Alby! I'll return to Taipei 1st at night, or 2nd mid day, hope to catch you! This year, will you bring a smartphone? Any chance of actually whatsapp/LINE/WeChat you!?
  7. SoF SoF, we need SoF at computex!

  8. Roman, tiny update, Im only in Taipei; 2-13 June... For everyone interested in not only HW 2nd June is dragon boat festival 2014, 100% certain worth arriving a tiny bit earlier to experience this. Good to see the many names; Slamms, hope you can arrange something at ASUS HQ again, I know that this year you dont have Andre and Peter, but what an amazing job last year, I was very impressed by the hospitality of ASUS.
  9. 200K hit, congratulations!
  10. We? Who'll that be? Kingston?
  11. Confirmed... 30th May - 21st June Tickets booked =]
  12. Budget up to ~1000 NTD/person for food, and then beer as extra? Sounds about right? Anyhow, Im confident you'll make a good call on this - I don't sense we will end up at McD or the place on one of the topfloors of 101 On other notes; Booking flights today before the CL matches - vacation request has been approved.
  13. I recall it being quite cheap, but anywhere.... Sorta like what AF did during CeBIT, we went to a place to have a nice and relaxed evening, thats what I hope will be possible this year.
  14. Considering.... As in; Requested 17 days vacation, once boss confirms I'll book tickets. D.29 Maj, lyder det som ok afgang? Du kan få billetter t/r for omkring ~3700-4000, derudover kommer hotel osv.. HWT tager også afsted den dag, og mon ikke Martin (zzolio) kan overtales? Again this year? What did I miss last year, we were kinda split into groups all the time I recall, but PJP if you can organize something, it'll be amazing... By the way, how about we all start the evening at din tai fung and then go somewhere for beer after... Would be kinda sweet! Steakhouse would deff do Hope MSI Giga ASUS and others will host some good stuff again
  15. So basicly MSI users are in risk when wanting to update their drivers, that really sucks... Could you, Massman, find compare info with ASUS, ASRock, Gigabyte and others, to see if its a common thing, or just MSI having issues? LOL, good stuff Im not being accused of this one hah
  16. Donate it to Christian Ney!
  17. Cool
  18. Not sure if GIF works here, but this is interesting! *No I have not made it
  19. Lol, all the bromance ok ok I should have used this one instead of text. On the plus side, awesome meme Venom
  20. Lol, you added the douche, I didnt But I hope you are exaggerating, considering you've probably also read about Nelson Mandela, Le Mans and the riot in the states over the court verdict just sayin'. By the way, found a picture that wont even need any text!
  21. That has got to be the worst meme of the thread, sorry.... Its quite simple, you end that one "aaaand its gone", adding the 'after 2 scores' spoils everything, makes it hopelessly poor, even worse than my benchmark submissions. Sorry, but its fact, you've screwed up that meme as much as one possibly could.
  22. Im with Alby on this one Knut, GTX2 could do something.... Mine sure did more than 10% above on air, I just never used them for daily ram, because they were too overkill and unique, saved them for benching.... Also, Im on same page as Massman, feels really akward! But I sure have noticed tweaktown slacking on quality, great examples, no doubt, you can find same in graphics cards..... Its really sad
  23. PJP, you meant throw, otherwise I simply cant understand that sentence. Nitrogen isnt only fun, having a bit respect for it is critical, knowledge of what you are dealing with is always a good thing, no matter what it is anyway.... Vivi, 1 guy coma, 8 others hurt, makes 9 persons to the hospital. But dafuq, that is really unfortunate, however, swimmingpools contain so freaking many chemicals... Petri, nitrogen bond with other substances quite easily, and a swimmingpool contains a shiftload of crap. CO2 however, does not do that easily, if im not mistaking, even in gas form its got London bond.... The same bond that prevents H2O (water) from being highly flamable.
  24. That album is still hidden btw : But I had to..... I had to tryyyyy lol -..- I can recommend these though!
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